What’s New: June 1st, 2018

Mitch Samuels
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2018

Well, it’s been a while. About a month since my last update post. I’ve changed and added quite a bit, and more is coming! So here’s a recap of the past month.

New Privacy Policy and GDPR features

I didn’t want to feel left out (plus, I guess it’s a legal requirement or something), so I updated the Ceev Privacy Policy and added some features to make Ceev more compliant.

You now have full control over your account. Don’t want to use Ceev anymore? Ever again? You can delete your account and all data saved on the servers right from your account settings on the dashboard. It’s actually permanent, so don’t even bother emailing me to try to get it back. I do make you go through a few confirmation clicks to delete your account, so there shouldn’t be any accidental clicks!

Three New Templates (finally)!

I finally got around to adding more templates. In order to do it, I basically had to re-do all of the templates. But now that I finally did it, it will be much easier for me to add new templates in the future. Also, I’m planning on creating a base/bare template to put up somewhere for people (who know CSS) to create their own templates to use in Ceev.

Because I had to change basically everything about the templates, there may be some small changes to your resume design or layout. Sorry about that, but it was unavoidable.

New skills section. You gotta rate yourself

New Skills Visuals!

Part of the reason I had to redo all the templates was because I wanted to be able to do more cool things with resume templates. Before, each section was the exact same, but now I have it set up so I can style each section separately.

The first example of this: visual skills. Your skills will now show as dots, stars, or bars depending on what you pick.

For those of you with an existing skills section on your resume (that was just a comma-separated list) — you will have to re-add your skills individually to get the new design.

Cover Letters

You can now add matching cover letters to your resume with a little toggle in the content tab. It gives you one-page (yes, I’m limiting you to one page because nobody wants to read more than that) to write whatever you want about yourself.

Page Guides

This has been one of the most requested features, and I finally figured out a way to do it (sort of)… There is now a dashed line where page 1 will break and page 2 of your resume will start. This will help you align things so they aren’t cut between pages. However, there is only one guide — between pages 1 and 2. So if you make a resume that’s 3 pages long (which you definitely should not ever do), you’re on your own.

Proper Support for A4 Document Size

You can now switch a toggle to change from US letter, which is the default, to A4 size. So now when you save your PDF and try to print it later, it won’t be US letter size all the time.

More Fonts

This one is simple, but requested a lot. I added several more fonts to choose from — both Serif and Sans Serif fonts. I’m hoping to let users choose any font from Google fonts in the future, but for now you just get to choose from a few more!

More Insights

I want Ceev to be an extremely easy yet powerful tool to create and design resumes, but I also want it to help you with the content. I’ve added a few more checks to the insights tab. It’s still pretty basic, but I’ll be adding more and more as I think of things. For now, the insights tab will:

  • Tell you when your profile entry is too long.
  • Tell you to remove your high school if you put it on your resume.
  • Let you know when you have too much stuff on your resume.
  • Tell you to include important info if it’s missing — like your email address.

If you have any ideas for things I should check for and add to the insights tab, please leave a response!

A lot of UI changes to make things simpler.

I’m not going to list them all, because there were a lot. Anything I could simplify, I did. The theme picker got too big with the new templates, so I gave them all (completely random and mostly unrelated) names and icons.

I also changed the way you add content… It’s hard to explain what I did in words, but it removed an unnecessary step and made the entry forms easier to understand.

And a billion bug fixes

But I probably made more in the process, so please let me know if you find any.

Have suggestions for features?

Leave a comment below. I have a lot planned, but I’m always looking for new ideas!

