The Cost of Creating an Online Marketplace Mobile App

Valeria Nesterovich
Published in
7 min readSep 16, 2022

The lasting growth of interest in online shopping has resulted in a boom of online marketplaces offering virtually any and all kinds of goods and services.

It is expected that annual online sales will boost to $6.54 trillion by 2022 globally, thus evidencing that shopping is one of the world’s most sought-after ventures due to its convenience and competitive prices.

By 2023, 22% of all retail sales globally are now awaited to be transacted online.

Furthermore, since the COVID-19 outbreak, many ventures are seeking ways to shift their businesses online and hence start new marketplaces. Notwithstanding those giants like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc. hold a big share of the market, there is still plenty of room for newbies in the industry.

Have you been keeping a marketplace development in the offing or wondering how much does it cost to build a marketplace app like Amazon or eBay? We’ve compiled this marketplace app development cost breakdown article. It will explain all the nitty-gritty of cost count. There are many facets to estimating the cost, which will be discussed.

Read Also: Evaluating Your Budget: How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App?

Marketplace App Variety

The marketplace sphere is enormous and crosses an assortment of fields and industries. Today the market distinguishes numerous varieties of the marketplace based on who stands behind sellers and customers:

  • Peer to Peer
  • Customer to Customer
  • Business to Customer
  • Business to Business

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What Governs a Cost to Create an Online Marketplace App

“How much does it cost to develop a marketplace app?” is the top frequent inquiry questioned. Stating a figure for mobile app development services right away is like squeezing water from a stone. An approximate figure will not always give the right perspective on marketplace development costs. The real cost to create an online marketplace app is prone to vary massively as it pivots on the numerous constituents bestowing to a marketplace complexity level.

Double “F”

Features and functionalities determine marketplace complexity levels. Some of them may take a longer time to develop, while the other ones rather less. Marketplaces require different feature sets for different user roles. For instance, buyers need carts while vendors need a control desk.

To sum up, the cost of a basic marketplace app will start at $33,000. The cost will increase if more features are to be added.

UX/UI Design Customization

In terms of design, several things can weigh on the cost to create marketplace mobile app. Among these are originality and complexness. The more exclusive or complex the design, the higher its cost. Designers use elements provided by the operating systems when clients are unwilling to put an extra allocation into the design. Page count also confines the cost. Needless to say, more pages call for more funds.

Android vs iOS

There is no way for software creators to compose a single code to build applications for both OSes. Each OS relies on distinct programming languages, SDKs, and dev tools. Android or iOS app costs are virtually the equivalent and require nearly an identical timeframe.

If a marketplace is intended to be functional for both iOS and Android, the cost to develop marketplace app becomes leaps and bounds. However, cross-platform or hybrid apps will break even. But in any case, the construction of marketplace apps for each OS should be driven by detached teams. Consequently, having two crews doubles the costs.

App Administration & Backend Infrastructure

The admin board is certainly of value for administrating statistics, content, and users.

Once you’re working on mobile app crafting, the app backend typically acts as an OS that gives developers an API to simplify the data transfer from the app to the database. Analytics are bundled to observe user activity and estimate the app’s performance. Determining how many parameters you plan to watch, and how precise the monitoring will be, adds or subtracts the marketplace app cost.

Alternatives exist to employ mass-produced admin panel templates, which can save you money in the wallet. But finding a decent template is like boiling the ocean. It is advisable to assemble an appropriate custom admin panel that fulfills the essentials of your business.

Team’s Geolocation

Geographical location pushes the cost fluctuations too. The marketplace app development cost in the UK will significantly vary compared to India, for instance.

Developers’ hourly rates across the Globe:

Maintenance, Support, and Extra Services

The project isn’t finished with the marketplace release. It has to be maintained and supported. Yet, extra services may be needed. Even though your product is full-fledged, and you’re not going to scale it or add any other features, maintenance is still compulsory.

Maintenance Services enclose:

  • Bug fixing
  • Performance and stability enhancements
  • Code improvement
  • Features creating
  • Side-party services updating
  • The latest OS version support

An In-House vs Outsourced Team

While the in-house development team is close to communicating with, the outsource one may have a better performance.

Let’s flip through the pros and cons of both:

In Celadon, we understand the challenges of cooperating on an outsource basis and are succeeding in addressing them. We know the best ways to develop a marketplace within a budget — contact us here.

What Does Team Composition Have to Do With the Cost of Creating an Online Marketplace Mobile App

Marketplaces aren’t a walk in the park and involve a team to bring forth an app that will triumph over. At Celadon, when we get to grips with marketplace development, a team of a PM, Full-stack developer, Front-end developer, UX/UI designer, Business Analyst, and QA engineer enforce their most satisfactory practices and talents to make an app.

Project manager

Bridges clients and development teams and makes communications effective.

Coordinates the work to be done due to deadlines and aids in avoiding breaches in the relationship with the client.

The crew arrangement may deviate project by project and leans on clients’ demands. Marketers may be demanded to be enthralled in the project, too. The more individuals are assigned to a project, the more elevated the marketplace app price.

Employing Freelancers to Cut Cost to Create a Marketplace App

To cut outlay, folks are turning to freelancers to build a marketplace. Their work is indeed more inexpensive. But is the overall cost?

Creating a marketplace is a convoluted and prolonged task. If one engineer can not cope, you need to hire a whole team of professionals, as discussed above. So, you ought to hire 5–6 people with an hourly charge per hour of $20+. Correspondingly, with a development studio like Celadon, you can order a marketplace for as little as $30/hour.

This rate is higher than a freelancer’s, but the efficacy you acquire from $30 an hour is worthy due to the next benefits:

  • Complicated solutions are planned, approached, and completed in a shorter stretch of time with a professional software company. All cost-impacting facets are covered when calculating the cost.
  • The cost per hour reckons a comprehensive work package. Celadon has been developing software since 2017. Our successful projects also include marketplaces.
  • Perhaps what appeals to you about working with freelancers is the power to choose people and set tasks. At Celadon, we assign the best people for a project pivoting on their skills and experience. In addition, we apply Agile to project management, thus you will consistently stand at the helm of the project.

Consider Celadon Your Trusted Partner

Trolling for a trusted partner with fair rates to produce a marketplace and get around. Consider Celadon. We are a team of professional developers, designers, PMs, etc., who offers full-cycle development services. Our crew originates from Eastern Europe, that’s known for its huge IT potential and talents.

Nonetheless of your marketplace inquiry, we’ll pan out with it and make the product sticks out like a sore thumb. Our expertise features several booming projects, e.g. Jewelry marketplace, book and media retail marketplace, construction marketplace, car service marketplace. When working on the projects, we boldly stood up to the challenges and drove to furnish top-quality solutions. Each app is released in the market now and brings lots of benefits to its owners.

Click here to learn more about what we have to offer and find out the cost to build a service marketplace app.

Final Thoughts

Questions like “How much does it cost to develop online marketplace app like Fiverr” are quite typical for the agencies that render online marketplace development services. We always go with the same answer — it hinges on the prerequisites and features/ functionalities. If you are working up to make a clone of a famous platform, this answer remains relevant. Yes, the cost to build a marketplace app like Etsy, for instance, also pivots on how extensively the application is supposed to be like Etsy in terms of functionality, which drive the time required for the development as well as other factors.

The costs and timeframes of marketplace MVPs developed by Celadon:

The cost to build an online marketplace app with a basic feature set will be rather lower. But if you’re willing to create a customized marketplace, you’ll have to invest more to reap more benefits.

Originally published at



Valeria Nesterovich

Working at to bring your business smoothly-working Mobile and Web apps. Want to belive that software development is as a form of art.