Why Belarus Should Be Your Top Choice for Outsourcing Developers

Valeria Nesterovich
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2019

Outsourced software development is gaining more and more popularity and the Eastern Europe region is one of the most worth looking at when choosing a company to work on the project.

The SourceSeek company released a market report where it overviewed the benefits of hiring an outsourced development team from Eastern Europe and Belarus was the country of choice, according to some of the insights.

So what makes Belarusian software development services so attractive?


Belarus is among the Former Soviet Union countries that are known for the level of its engineering education, with an overall educational index being 0.8 (and 1 being the maximum).

Belarusian developers tend to have excellent Math and analytical skills and are used to resolving challenging tasks. This is the biggest hallmark of Belarusian (and other Eastern European) countries. The secret lies in the fact that Belarusian culture implies high engineering educational standards from early childhood and pays attention to its quality in both the school and university.

Another important point is that Belarusian developers are quite good in English, which is a great advantage for the clients. Many IT companies in Belarus even offer their employees free English courses to ensure every team member understands all aspects of the projects and is able to communicate with the client in a professional manner.

Strong IT ecosystem

A strong IT ecosystem means a robust and active community and the steady development of an IT industry in the country.

According to the report, there are three main signs of a good IT ecosystem.

Integration between software development companies and universities

In Belarus, there is an excellent integration between companies and educational institutions. There are lots of internship programs, the employers are loyal to the students and do not hesitate to hire them with the aim to provide a start working background for young talents.

As well, the universities regularly hold job fairs to help the students meet the best IT companies and create a win-win situation, where students can potentially find a job and assess the current market demands.

A big number of IT events

In order to constantly master the skills, developers hold events, hackathons, meetups, and conferences on a regular basis.

This helps the community exchange skills and experience, meet colleagues, network, and learn about the latest industry news. As well, the Belarusian conferences are slowly becoming world-class events and attract not only the local community but international visitors too.

Startups and investments

Sure signs of a good IT ecosystem are steady growth of venture capital and the number of local startups — and Belarus has it all!

The government is interested in developing the industry and Belorussian startups are gaining worldwide recognition. Not to mention the fact that most of the Belarusian startups do not look for funding abroad but can get local funding and this is another good sign for the IT industry in the country.

Many big enterprises offer a range of educational IT courses, hold regular certifications and masterclasses and overall form a robust IT culture. There are a number of world-famous local IT enterprises support (such as Wargaming) the IT industry in Belarus and they actively help both junior and senior specialists to improve their skills and knowledge. Due to the availability of courses and classes, a Belarusian developer can always find a way to boost own skills and become a true expert within a field of interest.

Quality of services

Belarus is known and recognized for the outstanding quality of the IT services. According to the study, the average number of years of experience for a Belarusian developer is 10, which puts Belarus in third place among the countries with the most experienced specialists.

In addition to the high level of professionalism, the Belarusian IT sphere is also known for the use of the latest technologies. And this is an absolute must for the modern IT environment. While other countries may not have such expertise, Belarusian developers are well familiar with Python and ? (the best choice for machine learning projects) or JavaScript, which is also in high demand.

With a diverse set of skills, enthusiasm, and experience, Belorussian developers successfully serve the most demanding industries, like finance or healthcare, and keep embracing the newest technology to lead the market with innovation.

Culture and approach towards work

It is vital that your developers are enthusiastic, attentive to details, and ready to dedicate some time to come up with an innovative solution.

Belarus has it all. The study emphasizes that Belarusian developers are “a strong mix of reliability, assertiveness, stability, and quality” — and these are the skills that most clients look for.

More and more companies started acknowledging the importance of soft skills for software developers. This is another reason why Eastern Europe countries dominate the market — European developers tend to be very proactive and creative when it comes to task solving.


Price is one of the major factors for many clients upon deciding whether to hire a company or not.

If we compare Eastern Europe to Asia, for example, Eastern Europe tends to charge a bit more — about $28–40/hour.

However, this price is totally justified by the quality of work and experience of developers. In addition, it still remains lower than the price of EU/USA companies so it’s another benefit of hiring an outsourced European company.


Belarusian software development is on the rise. The country is offering a reliable and high-quality talent pool that consists of experienced developers who are ready to go the extra mile and come up with the best solution for your project. And, considering the pleasant cost and beneficial location of the country, Belarusian IT services are definitely worth a try.

Originally published at https://celadonsoft.com.



Valeria Nesterovich
Editor for

Working at Celadonsoft.com to bring your business smoothly-working Mobile and Web apps. Want to belive that software development is as a form of art.