Anna Kendrick a View at a Modern Celebrity:

Matt Eckhardt
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2015


Anna Kendrick an actress that has worked from Broadway to the Big Screen. In 1998 she had her first role on Broadway as Dinah Lord in High Society. For her role she was nominated for a Tony Award. She didn’t rise to international fame until 2009 for her role in Up in the Air, for which she was nominatied for multiple awards. Her latests works that people recognize her for include Becca from Pitch Perfect, Jessica from Twilight, and Cinderella from Into The Woods. Currently she is staring in multilpe films that are either in production or in post produciton. She has a busy life but that doesn’t keep her from updating her fans on social media.

Anna Kendrick a Normal Twitter User

Kendrick clearly runs her own twitter account, which is refreshing compaired to big celebrities that have a team to help them on their social media. Some may argue that Kendrick isn’t a huge celebrity, but in my opinion she is underrated. Her work may not alwlays be the most viewed but she does projects that she enjoys and finds important.

Twitter following

Anna Kendrick follows 272 people on twitter. Majority of these people are other celebrities or verified products/brands that Kendrick supports. Her 5 million followers are growing as she grows as a celebrity. She doesn’t tweet everyday, in fact we have almost the same number of tweets.

Kendrick tweets can vary but normally she tweets what ever she finds funny, or what is going in her life. She is unfiltered and tweets what ever she wants when she wants to. Thats what her fans love, how open and comedic she is even about herself and her career.

Anna Kendrick’s tweets are all personal. She has humor that the everday fan enjoys. This is what makes her so popular, she is relatable and reachable on social media, it isn’t always tweets about her brand or image. Although she does use her twitter to promote. You can see her most active during live shows like MTV awards, the Oscars, and her twitter feed blew up the night of the live performance of The Wiz, where she gave her own insight on the performance.

Kendrick’s Instagram

Anna Kendrick has a big following on insta gram as well. She has 4.8 million followers and folows 127 accounts. Her instagram is updated much more regularly than her twitter account. She uses her instagram to give her fans a glimps of new projects and even in some cases everyday life. This is the medium that she has really connected to fans on as well. She launched her own campaign for fans to submit pictures with the Pitch Perfect 2 movie poster all about embracing her character in the movie.

Anna Kendrick may not be one of the top A list stars, but she has worked in so many projects and worked on so many mediums to get to this point in her career. Her use of social media isn’t as often as other stars but that is due to the fact that she updates her fans herself. She really tweets when every she feels like it, her accounts are really just personal. She uses them to really address her fans and give them a glips of her life.

