Dawn Dickson

Founder of Flat Out of Heels, Founder & CEO of PopCom

Women of Silicon Valley
33 Badass Black Womxn in Tech
2 min readFeb 16, 2018


Dawn is a serial founder who started her first tech company in 2001, a media platform called The UrbanStarr, and serves as Founder of Flat Out of Heels and Founder & CEO of PopCom. She’s a vegan foodie and mother to an amazing 13-year-old.

Connect with Dawn on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

What’s a challenge you’ve faced, and how did you get through it?

One of the most recent challenges I faced was working to maintain home-life balance as a single mother participating in two accelerators in different cities away from my daughter. I lived in Boulder, Colorado for the Canopy Boulder accelerator program from February to May of 2017, then in Los Angeles from July to October for Techstars. It was very difficult to be away from my daughter and only see her a few times, but with her encouragement and blessing along with the support of my family, I got through it. My company experienced exponential growth in 2017.

What’s something you’ve done that you’re really proud of?

I recently completed the Techstars program, raised my round of capital (over subscribed) in only 1 month, launched our first product and signed our first customers.

What’s something that’s been on your mind this Black History Month?

The narrative around Black Women raising capital is changing. I have been an entrepreneur for 16 years, and when I started, things were very different — there were not as many resources, accelerators, incubators or investors in general. Just as recently as last year there was talk around how less than 20 Black women have raised over $1 million. This number has increased drastically, and I am very proud.

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Women of Silicon Valley
33 Badass Black Womxn in Tech

Telling the stories of resilient women & genderqueer techies, especially those of color.