Stephanie Cummings

Founder of Please Assist Me

Women of Silicon Valley
33 Badass Black Womxn in Tech
1 min readFeb 28, 2018


Stephanie is the Founder of Please Assist Me, a tech startup that allows busy individuals to manage their lives. Connect with Stephanie on LinkedIn and Twitter.

1. What’s a challenge you’ve faced, and how did you get through it?

I had to learn to reject stereotypes about African-American women and tech. At first, I thought I had to prove myself as capable in every meeting or conversation. In the end, it came off defensive and caused me to assume the worst in every individual. Although these stereotypes exist, now every time I enter a room with an investor or a potential customer, I let my accolades speak for themselves. I have learned to assume the good in everyone’s assumptions. If a person acts in a demeaning way, I’ve learned to just move on.

2. What’s something you’ve done that you’re really proud of?

Starting my own tech company, Please Assist Me.

3. What’s something that’s been on your mind this Black History Month?

We need to stress the importance of tech education for the next generation of women of color.

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Women of Silicon Valley
33 Badass Black Womxn in Tech

Telling the stories of resilient women & genderqueer techies, especially those of color.