How volunteering can change lives

Heritage Lottery Fund
Celebrating Volunteers’ Week
4 min readMay 27, 2016
Volunteers make bat boxes on one of our natural heritage projects

Volunteers make a huge contribution towards looking after the UK’s heritage.

They also do a fantastic job of sharing it with others — by monitoring wildlife, giving tours and carrying out practical conservation tasks to buildings or landscapes.

At the Heritage Lottery Fund, we know that volunteers themselves get a lot out of their experiences personally. They develop skills and confidence, make friends and can even improve their health and wellbeing.

In fact, our research shows that volunteers consistently reported improved wellbeing after becoming involved in heritage projects. They felt more capable of making decisions, happier, more able to enjoy day-to-day activities, better able to concentrate and — especially — had a greater sense of having a useful part to play.

Almost all of the projects we support include some volunteering activity, and one of the joys of working at HLF is getting to find out more about some of the amazing things they do.

Growing Together at Strawberry Hill

Jack’s contribution towards the upkeep of the gardens of Strawberry Hill House in London won him recognition in the 2014 London Volunteers in Museums Awards. He began garden volunteering as part of the Growing Together project to create a community garden. Jack and his carers started volunteering for the project in 2013 and regularly helped out at weekly gardening sessions.

Jack describes the difference volunteering has made for him: “I’ve completed many exciting tasks, helping in the house and amazing grounds with the incredibly supportive staff. I feel I have learnt a lot here and feel more confident in my gardening skills and moving on to future jobs.”

Jack gets to grips with some vegetables at Strawberry Hill

Jack’s volunteering work meant that he had the confidence to enrol on a Preparing for Work course with The Prince’s Trust, where he completed a formal work experience placement as part of the Strawberry Hill team. He continues to volunteer in the gardens.

If: Volunteering for Wellbeing

Jackie volunteers as part of If: Volunteering for Wellbeing, a three-year project running at IWM North, Manchester Museum, Museum of Science & Industry and in partnership with other cultural venues in the city.

The project aims to measure the impact of volunteering in the heritage sector, especially how it can combat social and economic isolation and improve wellbeing. Volunteers attend a bespoke training course, which includes an immersive volunteering experience in a museum.

Jackie now volunteers at Ordsall Hall in Salford and believes that volunteering has quite literally changed her life.

“This course has turned my dark days into something to look forward to, all the rejections I had for jobs… have started to loosen their hold on me.”

She said: “When I was online searching for something that would give me a purpose, courage, strength, confidence, fun, knowledge, friendships, never did I really think I would find something that would tick those boxes.

“This course has turned my dark days into something to look forward to, all the rejections I had for jobs… have started to loosen their hold on me.

“I’ve never smiled so much, not in a long time. This course has given me everything it said it would, improved health, new skills, wellbeing and experience.”

Volunteering for everyone

Unfortunately though, having a diverse range of volunteers involved in a project is often not the case. Our research shows that the majority of volunteers on HLF projects are relatively older and exceptionally well educated. They are also usually people who are already familiar with heritage sites.

Our research tells us that where projects do engage those beyond the ‘typical’ heritage volunteer, the individual impacts are all the greater.

Given what we know about the positive benefits of volunteering, we want Lottery players’ money to bring those benefits to as wide a range of people as possible. Our research tells us that where projects do engage those beyond the ‘typical’ heritage volunteer, the individual impacts are all the greater.

This provides powerful motivation for all of us in the sector to keep challenging ourselves, not only to create interesting volunteering opportunities, but to make sure they are also genuinely inclusive.

Find out more about the Heritage Lottery Fund on our website or follow us on Twitter.



Heritage Lottery Fund
Celebrating Volunteers’ Week

We use money raised by National Lottery players to invest in our diverse heritage making a real difference to people across the UK.