Elon Musk Divorces Talulah Riley Again — Millions Taken In Settlement

Celebrity Harpy
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2016

Billionaire Elon Musk is a genius. He’s the owner of Paypal. He’s developed an electric sports car — which people actually want to buy. He’s working on putting men in space without the need for “government money”. He’s clearly using his billions of dollars towards the advancement of technology for mankind.

Some say that he’s the perfect philanthropist.

But Elon has one fundamental flaw — the kind of flaw that can make a billionaire waste millions of dollars and have absolutely nothing to show for it.

Elon Musk is completely clueless — when it comes to WOMEN.

We recently learned that Elon got himself divorced — again. When you’re a billionaire, or even a millionaire, there’s only one reason why women want to marry you. Here’s a hint — it’s not because of your “charming personality”.

As you may have realized by now, we at Celebrity Harpy do not pull our punches — we tell it to you like it is.

So how much money did he lose this time? Let’s have a look.

Elon originally made a prenup agreement with his ex-wife (Talulah Riley) which stated that if she divorced him, he would give her $16 million dollars. Now imagine getting $16 million dollars just for saying “I do” in a marriage ceremony. That’s essentially free money. What woman would say “no” to that?

But this is not the first time Elon broke up with her. They were originally married in 2010 and broke up 2 years later. She got a $4.2 million settlement from that.

Talulah is just raking up that cash, now is she?

They reconciled, but then Elon filed for divorce again on January 1, 2015. He then later filed for a request to dismiss the divorce.

Say what?

Keep in mind that all of these “legal proceedings” cost lots of money — excluding the actual settlement costs that is.

This time (and hopefully for the final time) the divorce was filed by Talulah herself — for an undisclosed settlement amount. So who knows how much money she got from him this time around?

It’s now also being reported that Elon Musk is currently dating Amber Heard.

Has Elon not learned his lesson by now? Apparently not. All I know is that if he decides to get married again, his bank account will be wrecked like a crashed electric vehicle by the time she’s done with him.

Originally published at Celebrity Harpy Daily.



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