Twitter Suspends Twitter CEO from Twitter … Say What?

Celebrity Harpy
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

Yes you read that title correctly. The popular social media company, Twitter, actually suspended the account of their very own founder and CEO, Jack Dorsey — and the reactions from other Twitter users were hilarious, to say the least.

To say that this event is hilariously ironic would actually be an understatement. It’s like trying to punch someone in the face and for some inexplicable reason, you wind up punching your own face instead.

Time for a new hashtag …


It’s being reported that on Tuesday, November 22nd, Jack Dorsey’s account was accidentally suspended amid a crackdown on users who were expressing “alternative political views” on the social media platform.

So what are “alternative political views” you might ask? We don’t care. This is not a political news website. Our focus is on celebrity news and trendy topics. So let’s continue.

Jack’s Twitter followers noticed that they could not find his profile and speculated that something was wrong. Jack however reassured them that his account was back online and that everything was OK.

“Just setting up my twittr … again (account suspension was an internal mistake)”.

But what’s even more hilarious are the reactions from other twitter users. Here are two of my favorites:

Tineh Santa
@jack you probably offended someone


Twitter recently got themselves into some hot water when they accidentally allowed an ad from a Nazi website to slip between the cracks. Jack Dorsey quickly made a public apology:

“We made a mistake here and we apologize … Our automated system allowed an ad promoting hate. Against our policy. We did a retro and fixed!”

Twitter seems to have become a place for political battles — where hashtags are the weapons of war. It’s also reached the point where no one wants to buy Twitter, according to The Washington Post and other news sources.

As for political battles, we’ll leave that to the politicians and those that wish to follow them.

I’ll close with a little piece of advice to the Twitter admins. You’ve already accidentally suspended your CEO’s account. Please try not to “accidentally” delete his account. Otherwise we’ll wind up having to write another crazy story here at Celebrity Harpy.


twitter jack dorsey

Twitter founder and CEO, Jack Dorsey

Originally published at Celebrity Harpy Daily.



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