7+3! Attendance Check Event Season 2!!

Published in
Jul 8, 2024

Hello Astian~!!

‘7+3! Attendance Check Event’ Season 2 starts from July 8th to August 4th!!
Attend Daily & Earn CELB in CeluvPlay Game Center!! 🔥

Please check below for the details of the event.

📆Period : July 8 — August 4 3:00 AM UTC
🎁 Rewards : 1 CELB per day, (Bonus +3 CELB for a full week of attendence)
🎉Rewards Delivery : Every Thursday via CELB BANK
📡 Attendance Check Place 👉 game.celuvplay.io

- Reset time : 3:00 AM UTC
- Abusing Action is NOT allowed. If spotted, rewards will NOT be delivered and your wallet will be categorized in blacklist as a penality.

