The uniform constant digital universal calendar and its application in worldwide economics, astronavigation and religion during an epoch of the fourth and fifth digital industrial revolution

Sergey Morozov

5 min readJan 22, 2018


Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

In the monograph “The uniform constant digital universal calendar and its application in worldwide economics, astronavigation and religion during an epoch of the fourth and fifth digital industrial revolution” in the most compressed kind the modern theory of a calendar is stated from the moment of its origin.
Calendar — a complex socio-religious phenomenon with deep historical roots. Calendar theme - the real basis for a fruitful interaction of theology and secular Sciences in search of answers to fundamental questions of development of human civilization.
The author makes a proposal for cardinal modernization of the world calendar system, its unification and reduction to a uniform (single) of reference calendar in conformity to problems (in compliance with the objectives) of an epoch of piloted astronautics (of era of manned
spaceflight) of and also for overcome of the paradox (dilemma) Triffin.
Introduction of such the standard calendar will be the first step in a direction on creation of a global civilization, uniform on the Earth and in Space. The offered calendar will be “eternal”, invariable for all assumed by scientists remained period existence of a civilization in the history (till astrophysical “doomsday” owing to absorption of the Earth by the Sun because Sun
of transition from a stage of “yellow dwarf” in a stage of “red giant” or for example because of new Ice Age).
The offered calendar will simplify financial calculations. It is necessary to consider calendar days at definition of the sum of percent on bonds, options, forwards, futures and swaps. The existing Gregorian calendar forces to resort to conditional establishments about quantity of days in the period which urged to simplify percentage calculations. In an offered 13-month calendar
in each of quarters 91 day and it removes necessity for artificial arrangements. The offered calendar is relieved of numerous lacks of all historically previous and all modern hopelessly out-of-date discrete ~ 40 calendar systems of a civilization. The continuous calendar minimizes ineradicable economic losses of all modern hopelessly out-of-date discrete calendars.
The author has finished the work begun 117 years ago with D.I. Mendeleev in 1899, on creation uniform, (global) of Universal mathematical the verified standard of calendar time. On the basis of the off ers of the author made it in 2013 of NASA (USA) since January, 13th, 2016 has entered into the official use 13th zodiac of “Serpentarius”.
The author proposed a new, advanced uniform calendar for church and the state (project of the Federal law on computation of time) instead of an out-of-date medieval Gregorian calendar of 1582 annually absolutely lagging behind tropical year for 27 seconds, and ancient Roman Julian calendar from 46 years BC annually absolutely lagging behind tropical year for 11 minutes and 15 seconds (675 seconds) with simultaneous overcoming of calendar split of Christian churches and with simultaneous decision of “calendar problem” 8 “Pan-Orthodox of the Cathedral” 2016 and problem of “2100” of on the basis of developed Universal “calendar constant” which, including, according to the author, is by key moment for calculations cyclograms of spaceships and astronavigation.
The possible error is shown in calculation calendar cyclograms landing of module “Schiaparelli” started under program of the ESA (European space agency) on March, 14th, 2016 with participation of Russia (ESA / Russian Space Department) which has crash-landed to Mars on October, 19th, 2016.
The offered exact calendar constructed on the basis of a calendar constant, will be useful in system GLONASS and NAVSTAR GPS for assessment global information, navigating and astronavigation and service of all categories of consumers all-the-year-round, at any time, without dependence from weather conditions.
The main conclusion of work consists that the future postindustrial information socioeconomic structure (“digital society”) covering space not only entire globe, but already and whole solar system entirely which name “4th&5th industrial revolution” or “digital information internet cyber economy (including cryptocurrency & blockchain)” — they will be served exclusively by an offered universal mathematical (digital) calendar which is by definition corner stone, them of “base element”.
Algebraic universal tariffing through one number instead of six allows to deduce blockchain-technology and cryptocurrency on its basis on originally global and space level completely adequate to problems, facing to the fourth & fi fth digital industrial revolution. Continuous calculation Tariffing Per Second or TPS [“second-by-second”, or “Mono Digital Tag(s)” — MDTs] for cyclograms (in the interpretation of V. P. Glushko) for the decision of tasks of
modern space gives increased accuracy to 100 000 times compared with calculation Tariffing Per Daily [“day-by-day” or TPD] Scaliger-Simon Newcomb, which is used today.
Time and calendar as accurate method of time accounting are the main strategic factors in the history of civilization: a Single continuous stream of Time Universe [TU] (algorithm of “four zeroes”). Time on the calendar of the Kingdom of Asgardia [Time Asgardia — TA (since January 1, 2017)] is diff erent from the time of calendar Galactic Era (GE) [the Time of the Galaxy
– TG (since January 1, 2013)] is equal to 4 years: TА = TG + 4 years = GE + 4 years.
In the twenty-first century humanity may be only one General “global” an idea formulated by Tsiolkovsky: as early as possible to leave the Earth as the “cradle” of civilization, and to master the Space as a primary residence. Igor Ashurbeyli for Space Kingdom of Asgardia has used constant a 13-month matrix for Asgardia calendar from January, 1st, 2017.
November 12, 2017 was Launch of Antares Rocket with Cygnus OA-8 from Wallops of NASA (USA) on board which is satellite Asgardia — 1, since has begin from that moment began the history of the cosmic territory of the Space state of Asgardia. It is necessary to create an International Center for advanced Digital Calendar Technology [ICCDT] as means for solving
these tasks of civilization.

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