Cent Spotlight #11: Making Cents with @mattw

The Cent Spotlight is a series focused on all things Cent, covering noteworthy Centians, novel uses for Cent, and other need-to-know info.

Matthew 吾馬太
4 min readApr 12, 2019


This week's Cent Spotlight graphic was crafted by @connie

This week I spoke with @mattw, the man behind the 'Making Cents' posts.

He's super chill and hyper focused. And more than anything the man can write. I'm still blown away by the write up he did on all the new users that joined Cent in March.

While I've been keen on speaking to @mattw for some time, there have also been a grip of Centians who've been clamoring to see him get Spotlighted.

I hope you enjoy getting know @mattw a little more, and if anyone reading this is running a crypto news site, for the love of all things holy, please give this man a full-time job!

[Note: Parts of the conversation may have been lightly edited for clarity]

@matthew: Tell me a little about who @mattw is.

@mattw: I'm 23, Australian, and I'm aspiring to be a full-time crypto reporter. The last crypto bull of 2017 was when I first came into crypto, and since then I've basically been reading and writing about the crypto sector non-stop.

My first break so to speak came back in October last year when I started to get more active on Twitter. That’s when a few of the boys from @NuggetsNews spotted me and asked me to start doing some freelance work for them.

@matthew: Is there a large crypto community down in Australia?

@mattw: Yeah there is. Despite Australia being a country of about 25 million people, many are actually into crypto. It may be wrong to say this, but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that gambling is something that’s quite popular here.

I heard a crazy statistic the other day: Apparently there are 230 or so registered crypto exchanges in

Australia. 230!

@matthew: That’s insane. But actually, it sounds like crypto took off in Australia for the same reason it

took off in Korea.

There may not be another country where it’s so easy or so many people buy and trade stocks than Korea. Like everyone does it. Stocks (and tips!) are a frequent topic of conversation – and talking about

how much you earned amongst friends is not verboten here. That’s fertile grounds for FOMO.

So when the 2017 Bull Run came around *everyone* in Korea jumped on the crypto band wagon. Hard.

It was crazy.

But moving on, how’d you first find out about Cent? And why did you start posting your ‘Making Cents’


@mattw: I heard about Cent back in November on Twitter, but I cant remember what the specific Tweet was or who it was from – it was probably @mckie retweeting something from Cent Twitter or something.

As for ‘Making Cents’, well, that’s something I decided to start doing in January just as a way to integrate myself into the Cent community.

@matthew: Well keep it up. A ton of Centians (myself included) really seem to like it. I’m curious if you had any sort of ah-ha moment about Cent; was there anything that grabbed your attention and made you stop in your tracks about Cent?

@mattw: For me it all began with the philosophy of the project. I remember reading about it – I think in

the Vision – and I was just so impressed how aligned all the incentives were. It just seemed perfect. There’s still nothing else like it.

Aside from that the amazing community on Cent really sealed the deal for me.

@matthew: Has Cent impacted your digital activities or reputation at all?

@mattw: It’s definitely helped expand it – particularly on Twitter. The more exposure the better for me.

@matthew: Are there any features or functions that you’d like to see Cent add?

@mattw: I’ve seen you guys mention it a few times, but I think when DMs get added that will really help increase the level of personal interactions between creators and their fans and readers. I think those

sorts of private channels will provide a nice way to organize one’s thoughts more.

Other than that, figuring out how to integrate NFTs into Cent could also be pretty cool.

@matthew: Where do you see Cent in 1~2 years? And where do you think you’ll be on the infamous leaderboard?

@mattw: Cent will be a more diverse user base. I think users will soon move beyond the early crypto adopter segment towards a broader audience.

I think I’ll be in the top 25.

@matthew: Which Centian would you like to see get Spotlighted next?

@mattw: My vote would be with @mightymoose, but I’m sure whomever it is it will be a great interview.

