Cent Spotlight #2 - Getting Paid on Cent

Matthew 吾馬太
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018

Cent is one of the few apps in the crypto space focused on providing ways to pay users for contributing their time and creativity. This article goes over how you can start earning ETH by participating in bounties on the platform.

The Basics of Getting Paid

Centians (what Cent users are colloquially called) are paid if they contribute a top 10 response to a bounty. They are also paid for helping to curate the best responses by sorting pair sets of responses.

While the competition to get paid for a top 10 response to a bounty may be high, so are the rewards, since 80% of each bounty is earmarked for distribution to each of the top 10 responses. The actual distribution will be proportional to the percentage of positive sorts a response receives out of the total number of positive sorts all top 10 responses receive.

Getting paid for sorting is guaranteed, however, and 20% of each bounty will be distributed to Centians who sort responses.

Growing the rewards paid to *all* Centians that contribute time and value to Cent continues to be one of the main priorities and areas of focus of the Cent team. Cent minted it’s first $100 earner over a 30 day period just the other week.

Ways to Maximize Payouts on Cent

Now that you understand the basics of how you can get paid on Cent, there are a few simple approaches you can follow that will help increase your chances of getting paid more, as well as climb up the Top 100 Leaderboard.

First, make sure your responses are high quality. A high quality response provides value to the original bounty setter by delivering what the original post or prompt is seeking. Don’t forget that the tone and the way you begin your response will be the first aspects other users will perceive as they are sorting through responses, so make sure your tone is on point and you have a good lead-in.

At the same time Cent is about providing immediate and on-demand responses, so the quicker you provide a quality response the higher the chances will be that your response ends up being sorted into the top 10.

Lastly, in order to maximize the reward for sorting, make sure you check back before the bounty ends to sort every possible response.

There you have it. If you remember to provide quality responses in a timely manner while making sure you sort every response you will find yourself bringing in more ETH and rising higher up the Top 100 Leaderboard.

