Cent Update: January 17, 2019

New Bounty System, Filter Bar, Seeding History, and More

Max Brody
3 min readJan 17, 2019


Centians — I hope you’ve all had a great start to the new year. We certainly have. Coming off a transformational 2018, Cent continues to grow at crazy rates each week, and we’re working our tails off to keep up with the scale. As always, we have new updates to share.

Filter Bar

View by Hot, Unseeded, New, Unanswered, and Unsorted

We added a new way to visually sort the feed on Cent, based on a whole heap of user feedback. You can now view the feed in 5 different ways, from left to right:

  • Hot: Complex algorithm of the most engaged with posts
  • Unseeded: All the posts you haven’t seeded
  • New: All posts from newest to oldest
  • Unanswered: All the posts with bounties you haven’t answered
  • Unsorted: All the posts that you haven’t yet sorted

These filters should make it easier for you to get right to the parts of Cent that you love most — whether that’s earning, browsing, or staying up to date.

New Bounty Lifecycle

Sorting is now it’s own phase.

Previously, answers to bounties could be sorted as they were posted. This was problematic because often new answers would arrive after users had sorted, causing most answer sets to be only partially sorted. Also, answers that came in later in the process had an unfair disadvantage compared to answers earlier in the process.

Now, there are two distinct phases of each bounty post. The first phase is when answers can come in, and the final phase (which always lasts 24 hours) allows users to sort answers, and gives all answers an equal chance of earning the bounty.

Seeding History

See who seeded you and others.

You can now see the seeding history of each post, allowing anyone to see who seeded them and how far down the list they are when they seed. Currently, the seeded amounts and the resulting outcomes are not visible, but we may open that up in time. Already this seems to be a user favorite.

Other Updates

Minimum Bounty

There is now a minimum bounty on posts based on the number of recipients. For every additional recipient you want to receive a bounty, .001 ETH must be added. This assures that each user that gains from an answer makes at least 10¢ (based on current ETH rates).

Self-Seeding Prohibition

After a good amount of internal discussion, we’ve decided to prohibit the act of self-seeding a post. This makes it so that users can not artificially inflate the perceived value of a post in order to gain more seeds.

@tags and Colors Everywhere

You can now type “@name” anywhere in the app, and the relevant Centian will be linked. Also, each user’s color has been sprinkled throughout the UI to help with identification on replies, comments, and posts.

Anyone Can Post

At the start of 2019, we started allowing anyone to post on Cent, with or without a bounty. Non-bounty posts are limited to one per hour, but bounty posts can be posted at unlimited rates. Keep in mind, though, you’ll get far more (and higher quality) responses by bountying.

Big update coming next week…*cough* following *cough* :)

