Introducing #Channels, Editing, User Colors, Copy/Paste, and NSFW options

Max Brody
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2018

Centians —

So much to update you on, but to begin, we just want to thank all of you so much for continuing to blow our minds with your consistently thoughtful and creative feedback. Many of these updates were inspired by, and from, you all.

First, I have to let you all know how fast we’re growing. In the last month: Our DAUs have increased by 143%, the number of posts has increased by 146%, bounties have increased by 98%, and the number of bountiers by 64%. Amazing! Okay, on to the updates.


All posts can be categorized by their #channel.

One of the most consistent requests we’ve gotten recently is the ability to categorize posts by topic (such as here, here, and here). After a lot of internal discussion, we chose to implement the ability to add 1 tag per post, thereby making the post part of that tag-channel, or simply “#channel”. This is a feature that will become much more robust with time, but for now feel free to add whatever #channel name you like to your posts, such as #music, #philosophy, or #politics. Soon, you’ll be able to join/follow/watch a #channel, and they will grow into something like Cent’s version of subreddits.


Posts without bounties can be edited up to 24 hours after they’re posted.

Probably our most requested feature ever. Editing marks a watershed moment in Cent’s evolution, and we’re rolling it out in stages. For the time being, only posts without bounties can be edited up to 24 hours after they’re posted. Edits on posts with bounties will be allowed soon, but with slightly different constraints. Watch out for future announcements.

User Colors

Every network has profile pictures. We decided to re-think them.

I love indigo.

Just as white light can be split into an infinite spectrum, we see our community as an array of different wavelengths coming together to form a beautiful whole. Each Centian (or, rather, the first 16.7 million) can choose a unique identity color from the 16,777,216 different hex colors available. My favorite color is indigo, so I chose #3A35B5. These colors will begin to appear in many places throughout the UI and will come to signify a myriad of user actions.

NSFW Options

Mark your posts as NSFW, and choose whether you want to see NSFW content.

Lastly, everyone now has the option to opt in or out of being presented with NSFW content. We don’t see ourselves as moral guardians, and believe adult content is a completely valid form of creativity. That said, there’s no reason everyone should have to view types of content that they feel situationally or personally uncomfortable with. Luckily, software is magical so everyone can get what they want.

Select what you want to see (or not) by heading to Account > Settings. If you opt out, NSFW images will be visually blocked, but the text of the posts will still be visible. If you’re posting NSFW content, there is now a toggle when you post so that only those who want to see your content can do so.

Oh! And you can now copy/paste directly from other services (like Medium, etc.) and have the images/formatting come along for the ride.

Also, just to be a little extra, check out this (amazingly) non-exhaustive list of other recent updates and changes you may have seen on Cent:

  • Filters
  • List View
  • Help Updates
  • Flagging
  • Time remaining countdown
  • Live chat (via ‘Help’)

So much more to come — we’ve only just begun. Cent on!

