June Update: Towards Infinity

New Visuals, Tipping, Sharing, Bounty Commenting, Stats, and more

Max Brody
4 min readJun 27, 2018



I have some big updates to share with you all. We’ve been working hard building new features and poring through all the creative requests we receive each day and we’re excited to release a whole bunch today.

Visual Updates

To start, we’ve updated our visual brand. As Cent continues to evolve, our visual soul continues to match our evolution. I created our previous logo, and loved it at the time, but over the last few months have come to feel that it lacks the versatility that we need to bring Cent to the mainstream. The design of the new logo is a foreshadowing of the announcement of our token model. It’s symbolic of our ultimate form, and that form will only make sense as we release more details.

On a more relatable level, it arose out of holding a few cents in my hand one day. In physical form, cents are small circles, and the idea of circles being a defining element of the brand seems to be increasingly obvious. Circles classically represent the infinite because they have an infinite number of vectors to be drawn from their centerpoint. A big part of our ethos as a company is that we see each human being as representing a small infinity of creative potential, or a small circle. Cent is designed to extract that infinity into something that can be materialized into value for someone else.

The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the cipher of the world. — Emerson

Logos are always a love/hate thing, so if you don’t immediately love it, just give it some time :)

In addition to the new logo, a few months ago I noticed a font that I instantly fell in love with. It was clear, modern, unique, and soulful. Yet it was easy to read and neutral enough to be versatile. I began to furiously scour the nerdy design corners of the internet to identify it, and eventually discovered it was a typeface called Averta. Averta is ‘αβέρτα’ in Greek — meaning to act or speak openly, bluntly or without moderation, without hiding. It’s perfect for Cent. Openness of expression is a huge aspect of our ethos, and once we tried Averta on for size, we knew we’d found the one.

Grid View

Sometimes, viewing one post at a time isn’t enough. We created a new view that allows you to see many more posts per page, enabling much quicker browsing.

You can switch between Grid and Column view by clicking the icons in the lower left hand of the screen, in the new bottom dock.

Response Tipping

One of things we realized we needed a solution to was the ability to “activate” bounties that had already closed in some way. There is a ton of great content packed away in all those past bounties, and we wanted a way for previous responses to earn income should anyone come across, and appreciate it, in the future.

You can now tip any answer while the bounty is active or after it’s finished. If there’s ever an answer you think deserved more, feel free to give it to them. Also, favorite answers can of course be tipped by the bountier themselves for more creatively constructed incentives.

Bounty Comments

One of the other most-requested features recently has been the ability to comment on bounties themselves, without having to submit a separate answer.

This allows bounty posters to clarify the intent of their request and responders to ask questions about the bounty without needing to submit an entirely separate answer.

Lifetime Earnings

You can now view your lifetime earnings on the Stats page, in addition to seeing your stats of the last 7 days. Your total earnings may not be much now, but we’re growing fast and the average amount earned for active users is increasing drastically.

Social Sharing

There is also now a prominent share button on every bounty, allowing you to easily share interesting bounties across your social media world.

We hope this will allow more users to discover the platform, so there will be more posts and everyone will make more.

Huge new feature coming soon…

As a quick teaser, we have a new type of post that is launching in a few weeks. It will be the most substantive update to the Cent model yet, and we’re super excited to have you guys start playing with it.

It’s kinda revolutionary.

Stay tuned & Cent on ⚡️

