How brick and mortar retailers can use this technology and dominate their competitors?

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3 min readJan 25, 2019
In last 10 years Over 12,000 physical stores have been closed, due to the lack of matching with customer demands and trends.

E-commerce platforms are taking the world by storm and the in-efficient retail experience that the consumers are facing is serving as a helping hand for the same. So, what is Retail Apocalypse? It is a phenomenon where the traditional retail industry has been eaten up by the exponential growth of e-commerce. This is a problem because e-commerce is projected to make up to 17.5% of the total retail sales in China and US leading the race by 2021. However, Retail industry is not completely dead yet. It can accelerate back up with efficient use of technology to provide first-class customer experience. And Centareum caters the right solution to this growing issue and help brick and motor to spring back up.

Let us help you understand How?

Take the example of a coffee shop that has just opened in the neighborhood. This coffee shop can make people in the vicinity aware of its brand by starting a real-time campaign. This can be done faster than ever before. The campaign can target the right audience, provide product description with pictures and demographics of the same. All this can be done at your fingertips and can be achieved with near zero cost seconds after selecting from Centareum’s highly curated template database.

Centareum’s high location precision technology detects customer’s entry into the store seamlessly. Retailer businesses can request for their potential customer’s data in an exchange with their brand token. The level of data exchange at Centareum is broken down into 3 levels:

This allows Centareum to ensure that consumers feel more secure about their data at all times.

When you learn consumers’ likes and preferences, retailers can provide products tailored to their preferences thus taking customer experience to a whole new level at ease. That’s not it. Post a purchase completion, retail businesses can further incentify the consumers with reward points for their most loyal customers. Centareum allows retailers to leverage their cutting edge technology to connect and personalize every customer’s experience.

How are Consumers Benefited?

It is not just the retail industry who get benefited from this cutting edge technology. We, consumers, have a lot to take away too. For instance, when consumers walk into a new area, they can now find all the promotions and sales in the nearby stores and choose the one that interests them the most.

Also, as discussed previously, Centareum wants their consumers to feel most comfortable about their data at all times. So, we as consumers can choose the level of data that we want to disclose to the retailers. Get instant rewards as we complete the data exchange process.

Leverage our technology for your retail business.

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The future of proximity based mobile marketing platform for brick & mortar on the blockchain.