Recap of AMA with Centaur Team

Centaur Editor
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2022

Dear Centaurians,

Wish you a very happy new year. Thank you for being a part of the first AMA of 2022 with Centaur’s Co-Founder Sean Kor on 6th January.

For all those who couldn’t join us for the AMA, please find the transcript of the AMA.

Please note: Apart from the order of a few questions & minor spelling corrections, the rest of the text of the AMA remains unchanged.

[Transcript: Update From Sean]

Sean: Hey hey everyone, welcome to the first AMA of 2022! Today’s focus is going to be more on the CeFi integration, following the announcement for the Anak Indo collaboration we put out yesterday! In case you missed it you can find out more about that collaboration over at

Sean: Anak Indonesia is one of the close partners we’ve been working together with for quite some time. At it’s core, they are a foundation that aims to support Indonesians that are living or working overseas, primarily within the Southeast Asian Region.

For some time now, they’ve been working on a mobile wallet designed to provide much-needed fintech services to that segment, especially since a number of these individuals are unbanked and face difficulties in doing so

The application is meant to focus on payments, remittance and microloans, which are core pillars of finance. The application is still in development at this time and does include peripheral features for compliance, such as real-time KYC processes.

Sean: For Centaur, we’re working on the back-end infrastructure that’s meant to support these use cases. An easy example would be to route remittance and cross-border settlements via the Centaur Chain, which is currently in its consortium state. The tech team at Anak Indonesia was also one of the validators for the mainnet and is currently among the nominated addresses for the consortium.

[Transcript: AMA]

Question: How will the Anak partnership benefit Centaur or is it for marketing and charity purposes?

Sean: Apart from marketing, there is deep-level integrations as we plan to help streamline their internal processes using blockchain technologies. We’re focusing on back-end architecture first to minimize the barriers-to-entry for new users, and keep the user experience as streamlined as functionally possible. That means that wallets will be created separately and tied to the accounts of the users, without needing to setup their seed phrases and manage their private keys.

Question: Wanted to ask if we can have an update on the rewards dispersion? Any ETA on when we will receive it hehe?

Sean: Rewards were dispersed just before the AMA! There were some delays as the Polygon network was experiencing some issues the past few days. Additionally, the campaign was exceedingly successful with 442 addresses qualified for the giveaway. As such, the team decided to double the reward pool from $10k USD to $20k USD worth of Centaur.

Question: This Anak collaborative application is very interesting! Keen to know if the primary user version will be a mobile app.

Sean: Yeap, the primary interface is going to be a mobile application as the bulk of the demographic (SEA region) has access to it, but not necessarily a computer. In our research, they also have a preference towards mobile devices.

Question: V2 will be one of the upcoming tech developments that was mentioned if i remember correctly, what smaller capped tokens will we be expecting to see on this version of the swap?

Sean: We’ll be able to support everything that has an oracle price feed for it and we’re working on a direct line with the teams. Ideally, for projects that qualify we would be able to streamline the price feed deployment process too. This means that most of the tokens would be supported as long as they are reasonably active in trade volume.

Question: Will there be more giveaways expected in the coming month?

Sean: Hey! Possibly yeah in the coming months, especially since the recent giveaway was rather successful!

Question: How soon will the second version of the swap start? What are your expected early and late swap release dates?

Sean: Hmmm this is tricky to estimate. We’ve got the structures and frameworks built up on our end but we’re still in talks with various oracle teams to work out a timeline. I think at this point I’ve gotten in contact with almost all of the existing solutions and the earliest launch would be somewhere in March. Towards mid-year there’s also a few of the newer oracle projects slated for deployment. Once there’s a suitable provider we can go to market pretty quickly.

Question: Is it possible to say that cooperation with Anak Indonesia is the most significant of all partnerships in cefi direction?

Sean: It’s one of the partners we’re working with in the CeFi direction, there’s a few others that we are still in close collaboration with but we haven’t gotten the green light for announcing yet.

Question: Can you speak about your latest observations regarding ZK Rollup potential for ETH & MATIC? Seems like there is quite a bit of anticipation for this rolling out soon and helping with scalability.

Sean: I think rollups are definitely going to be one of the moving parts towards scalability, especially for ETH, though less so for MATIC. We’re also keen to explore the potential of running a deployment there, however, it would still depend on the performance of the mainnet. I’d be concerned with the gas fees as ZK technologies are rather gas-intensive

Question: How is cooperation with lab moneta going?

Sean: Lab Moneta (LM) is our tech partner for the CeFi and software development so we do work very closely together with them. As an example, the LM team is managing the overall development for the mobile app for Anak Indo, while we provide the blockchain aspects.

Question: Will we be expecting any single-sided staking for CNTR?

Sean: I think for this, we can look into deploying something like the original staking V1/V2 campaigns if there is high demand for it. It would affect the circulation of CNTR by quite a fair bit though so I think it would be better if this was done up as a governance vote instead.

Question: Interesting to see that you are still in discussions with oracles. I though you had pretty much settled on one.

Sean: We were initially leaning towards that one but the price feeds had a delay of about 15–30mins and the aggregation left a little to be desired. I’m still hopeful that they’ll make adjustment as the product continues to be developed, but we’re also keeping our options open at this time.

Question: Have you and the team heard anything about rumored Chainlink Staking program capabilities and is it something that might be added to CSwap?

Sean: No I haven’t actually but I’ll be sure to ask them

Anyway I think that’s a wrap for today’s AMA. As for future AMAs, we’ll be reducing the frequency as we transition more towards the slower paced CeFi integrations. Tentatively, I’m looking at the last Thursday of each month, starting on the 27th of January, followed by the 24th of February, etc.

Thank you for being a part of the Centaur Community.

About Centaur

By combining the best elements of decentralised finance with measured regulatory control, Centaur is bridging DeFi and traditional finance. For more information, please visit our website, join our Telegram community discussion group and announcement channel.

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Signing off,




Centaur Editor

The official editor account for Centaur — The first step towards a fully decentralized financial system.