Center for Biological Diversity staff in Oakland painted the globes that will carry people’s personal pleas and pledges of resistance to DC on the two Earth2Trump tours. Details at

West Coast: Are You Ready to Resist?

Cross-country Earth2Trump Tour Kicking off in Oakland, Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles

Steven T. Jones
3 min readDec 29, 2016


The globes are painted, alliances formed, preparations made, and media alerted. All we need is you — and everyone you know who’s concerned about the dire threats posed by Donald Trump — to join the vast network of resistance we’re forming during our Earth2Trump tour.

It’s going to take all of us, working together, to stand up against Trump’s attacks on our environment, civil rights and basic democratic principles of fairness and equity. That means defending public lands and our country’s bedrock environmental laws — including the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species acts — and protecting vulnerable communities from pollution, deportation, exploitation, and other forms of oppression promised by Trump.

The fight starts Jan. 2 in Oakland and Seattle with the kickoff of our cross-country 16-city tour. We’ll follow up quickly with roadshows in Portland and Los Angeles and then launch into a series of stops in the coming weeks.

Ocean Scientist Abel Valdivia highlights the hole where people will add their messages.

Each free show will have live music, fiery speeches and opportunities to get involved and make your voice heard. Thousands of people will take a pledge of resistance and add their personal pledges and pleas into large hand-painted globes bound for the presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 20, messages that we’ll amplify on social media using #Earth2Trump.

Attendees will hear from a diverse array of activists and artists including Hawaiian singer Makana, Brazilian funk band Namorados da Lua, Native American storyteller Si Matta talking about the successful standoff at Standing Rock, Los Angeles Poet Laurette Luis Rodriguez, spoken word artists Ashel Eldridge and Nikkita Oliver, and soulful singer/songwriters Lyla June, Dana Lyons, Mic Crenshaw, and Casey Neill.

It’s going to be fun, inspiring and hopeful — and we want you there. Join us for the entire tour, at an event near you, or during the epic convergence in D.C., where we’ll send the unmistakable message to the incoming administration that we’re going fight for our rights and values, our wild places, and the planet we’re passing along to future generations.

And when you can’t be there, you can follow along right here. We’ll use the Center’s Medium publication, Twitter and Facebook accounts, Instagram and Snapchat feeds, and our website to post daily stories about the tour, along with photos and video.

The Center’s My-Lihn Le and Andrea Weber paint the Earth2Trump globes.

We’ve been busting our asses this holiday season to make this ambitious tour happen, and we’re grateful for the dozens of organizations and hundreds of activists who have lent their support. But this tour is really about you and we’re going to need you to join the movement and help us spread the word.

So check into this page regularly, read and share the stories and images, and support Earth2Trump: A Cross-Country Roadshow of Resistance. We’ll see you on the road.



Steven T. Jones
Center for Biological Diversity

Longtime California newspaperman and environment advocate, now just trying to make sense of a country gone mad.