Dharamshila Hospital BMT Centre : A New Beginning

Dharamshila BMT Centre is India’s First and Only World Class Facility for Blood and Marrow stem Cell Transplantation for patients without fully matched family donor. 

Cancer Hospital India
Center for Bone Marrow Transplant


Why Dharamshila BMT Centre?

There are six private and two state-owned BMT centres in Delhi and NCR and one might query intuitively, as to ‘why another one?’. To answer this we need to look at the Indian scenario in the field of BMT. It is estimated that over 30,000 patients per year in our country need a BMT to save their lives and the statistics from Indian Stem Cell Transplant Registry reveal that with over 40 centres across the country, only about 1000 transplants are performed annually. So is our venture just to add a few numbers to the mammoth need of our population? If all the centres performed 4 transplants per month, which we are sure they are capable of, the need would be largely met. Then why is that not happening? The answer lies in the fact that BMT is dependent on availability of HLA matched donors from the family. However, this is available to only 20% of the patients by simple law of inheritance. Yet, Europe, USA and Japan meet their needs largely through Volunteer Unrelated Donor Registries which currently boast of 20 million donors. In India, such registries are in their infancy and the chance of finding a match from the foreign registries is less than 10%. More importantly the cost of procuring the blood or marrow products from Europe or USA ranges from 10,000-30,000 USD. Similar transplants can be performed from unrelated cord blood units at a similar cost, but the procedure is more challenging.

Nature shows the way

The saying that ‘nature is the mother of all inventions’ is not without reason. HLA antigens are inherited as a set from each of the parents. A mother nurtures a baby in her womb for 9 months without rejecting it even though the paternal HLA antigens inherited by the baby should cause a rejection. This is nature’s example of development of tolerance and thus, a child and the mother are natural donors for each other in most cases even though they are only half matched in their HLA antigens. Based on the pioneering work by doctors from Italy, BMT from a half matched (Haploidentical) donor from the family was developed. Yet, it was challenging and often not reproducible. The researchers from Johns Hopkins and FHCRC, Seattle innovated yet another way of carrying out Haploidentical BMT which was more reproducible.

Everyone has a donor!!!

In a country where alternate donor BMT is rarely available for patients lacking a matched family donor, Haploidentical BMT seems to be a logical option. However, the lack of expertise and infrastructure halted its development. Dr Suparno Chakrabarti and Dr Sarita Jaiswal pioneered the first Haploidentical BMT program in India. Their work and research has been widely presented and published in the last two years. Having performed over 20 such transplants, they wanted to develop this procedure further. Dr Sarita Jaiswal trained under Prof Franco Aversa from Italy, who is the pioneer of Haploidentical BMT. Prof Aversa and others have developed a completely new approach to Haploidentical BMT using Clinimacs based depletion of TCRalfabeta and CD19 cells from the stem cell product, which has drastically reduced the rate of complications and mortality experienced earlier. This is a labour intensive technology and carrying out such transplants without the right expertise or infrastructure can be disastrous. The experience at University of Parma under Prof Aversa amazed Dr Sarita as to how well such transplants can be carried out with the right expertise if a supportive infrastructure is provided.

A giant leap forward——

Dr Suversha Khanna had dreamt of starting a BMT centre for over a decade and spent sleepless nights trying to build the perfect unit with a committed and experienced clinical team. On the other hand, Dr Chakarbarti and Dr Jaiswal wanted to take the Haploidentical BMT program forward and were looking for the leadership and commitment which they found in Dr Khanna, Mr Anil Kumar and their team. Diligent research and effort on the part of Dr Khanna’s team envisioned the state-of-the art BMT unit with laboratory support which was needed to take the Haploidentical BMT program in India a giant leap forward.

The patients undergoing intensive conditioning and T cell depleted stem cells from Haploidentical donors are at the highest risk of infections. Infections mostly come in the form of bacterial infections from the gut or skin of the patient or as resistant bacteria from other infected patients, or as fungal infection through the air. The HVAC system of highest standards has been installed in the Dharamshila BMT centre, which according to Dr Mammen Chandy is first of its kind in the country. This ensures protection to the patient from all airborne infections, whilst inside the unit. In addition, stainless steel doors and PVC floors and walls make this the perfect Class 1000 clean room needed for such transplants. The BMT unit is also equipped with its own portable X-ray, USG machine, ventilator and dialyser.

To support the clinical services, a BMT Research Lab has been established. The lab is equipped with 8-colour Flow Cytometer, Molecular Diagnostics, Cell Culture, Long term cryopreservation of cells at -196 degree centigrade and advanced methods for selection of Haploidentical donors.

A new hope——

Based on the credentials of Dr Sarita Jaiswal as the only BMT physician in India, trained in the Clinimacs based TCRalfabeta depleted BMT procedures and the perfect infrastructure Dharamshila BMT Centre hosts for these patients, Dr Neduncherian from Span Diagnostics (partners of Miltenyi Biotech in India) announced the installation of the CLINIMACS Technology at Dharamshila BMT centre to initiate this program. Subsequently, training and support shall be provided to all the centres willing to learn and develop this method of BMT.

Clinimacs based TCR alfabeta depleted Haploidentical BMT is challenging and expensive upfront. Yet it is cheaper and safer than unrelated donor marrow or cord blood BMT. Patients undergoing such BMT, once out of the BMT unit, do not require any immunosuppression and minimum dose of antibiotics. Yet, patients require close monitoring and it is cost neutral at 2 years. As Dharamshila BMT centre has the right expertise and technology to develop this Haploidentical program for the first time in India, this might be the right step forward for children with Leukemia, Thalassemia and Aplastic Anemia without matched family donors. This program has been initiated for children with these diseases and enrolment has started. Subsequently, this shall be extended to the adult patients .



Cancer Hospital India
Center for Bone Marrow Transplant

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