Experimental Economics follows the Journal of Development Economics in piloting pre-results review

The Center for Effective Global Action
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2019

This post, written by the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) team, was originally published on the BITSS Blog.

For the past year CEGA’s BITSS team has worked closely with the Journal of Development Economics to pilot pre-results review, whereby authors submit an introduction, methods, and analysis plan for prospective empirical studies, before any data are collected and analyzed. Following peer review, high-quality submissions are accepted based on pre-results review, which means that journal will publish the final paper regardless of the nature of its results.

Here, we discuss the extension of pre-results review to a second economics journal, Experimental Economics, which has recently issued a Call for Submissions as part of a special issue. Learn about the motivation and the process of preparing for pre-results review in this interview with Irenaeus Wolff of University of Konstanz, who along with Urs Fischbacher is a guest editor for the Experimental Economics pre-results review special issue.

Read the complete post on the BITSS Blog.



The Center for Effective Global Action
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