Welcome to our Blog!

The Center for Effective Global Action
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2018

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The Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) is excited to unveil our new blog. We’ll use this space to comment on key issues related to poverty alleviation and global development, grill researchers about their latest work, and share insights from CEGA events. We hope to open a window into the rapidly expanding field of evidence-based policy, and create a forum for vigorous debate.


CEGA is a network of social scientists and engineers using data and rigorous analysis to improve public policy. The Center was born out of a growing desire among governments and civil society to integrate credible evidence into their decision-making. Nearly a decade after our founding, CEGA has established itself as a leader in the drive toward global development. Our proximity to Silicon Valley allows us to keep pace with technological innovation, while tapping into a world-class academic network anchored at the University of California, with affiliated faculty all along the West Coast of North America. While our tools, methods, and solutions are constantly evolving, our mission remains the same: to improve lives and generate opportunities globally, through innovative research that drives effective policy and development programming.


If you’re new to CEGA, this blog will serve as an in-depth introduction to our work. If you’re already familiar with CEGA or an active member of our network, it will provide a closer look at what we’re learning, how we’re learning it, and why it matters. We look forward to sharing some of our newest and most exciting research with you over the coming months. Stay tuned!

Ted Miguel, Faculty Co-director

Joshua Blumenstock, Faculty Co-director

Carson Christiano, Executive Director

Bilal Siddiqi, Research Director

Lauren Russell, Operations Director



The Center for Effective Global Action
Editor for

CEGA is a hub for research on global development, innovating for positive social change.