Of Reshuffles and Foreign Interference

Russian Roulette Episode #14


October 7, 2016

Today’s episode of Russian Roulette starts off with a discussion of the recent restructuring within Vladimir Putin’s circle of advisers and ministers with Pavel Baev of the Peace Research Institute Olso (PRIO). Then, Olga speaks with Jeremy Mayer, an expert on U.S. electoral politics from George Mason University, about the role that Russia has played in this American election season.

Click here (http://bit.ly/2dBAKh9) to hear more from Jeremy Mayer. If you are interested in reading more of Pavel Baev’s work, check out his blog “Arctic Politics and Russia’s Ambitions” here:http://bit.ly/2dBB2Ve). You can also read his most recent article “Younger Crowd Will Not Rejuvenate Putin’s Court” here: http://bit.ly/2dyYwxF.



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