The Week at CSIS: The Speeches, Discussions, and Events from March 20 — March 24

CSIS hosts over 2,000 events a year, from major public speeches to small briefings. Join us here for an inside look at the events of the week.


3.20: Report Launch of the CSIS Task Force on Women’s and Family Health

The CSIS Task Force of Women’s and Family Health launched a report: Her Health, Her Lifetime, Our World in the belief that there is an exceptional opportunity — and pressing need — for U.S. leadership in selected low-income countries. The Task Force, featuring 26 distinguished opinion leaders led by co-chairs Helene Gayle and John Hammergren, generated a bold vision for a major U.S. initiative led by the Trump administration and Congress to unlock the potential of adolescent girls and young women in select low-income countries.

The launch provided an opportunity to walk through the details of the proposal and hear more about the process that led to its creation.

From left to right: J. Stephen Morrison, Senior Vice President and Director, Global Health Policy Center; Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-13); Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH); Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME); and Helene Gayle, CEO of McKinsey Social Initiative

The Task Force members discussed about how best to advance this initiative in the White House and Congress, aided by the concerted efforts of the private sector, foundations, universities, NGOs, and the faith community.

From left to right: Christopher Elias, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Asma Lateef, Bread for the World Institute; Lisa Carty, UNAIDS; Diane Rowland, Kaiser Family Foundation; Steve Davis, President and CEO, PATH; J. Stephen Morrison, CSIS; Ezekiel Emanuel, University of Pennsylvania; Patrick Fine, FHI 360; and Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

3.21: Australia and Indonesia: Energy, Resources, and Security at the Fulcrum of the Indo-Pacific

In the past decade, Australia has emerged as a resource superpower. It is the world’s leading exporter of iron ore and will soon be one of world’s leading exporters of liquefied natural gas (LNG). A recent PwC report indicates that by 2050, Indonesia — which is already the largest and most populous economy in Southeast Asia — will become the world’s fourth largest economy.

A panel of experts discussed the energy, resource, security, and diplomatic issues they will face in the coming years.

From left to right: Andrew Pickford, Perth USAsia Centre; Mark Stickells, Energy and Minerals Institute; Gordon Flake, Perth USAsia Centre; Darmawan Prasodjo, Deputy Chief of Staff to President Joko Widodo of Indonesia; Andrew Shearer, CSIS; Paul Griffiths, Embassy of Australia; and Dino Patti Djalal, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia

3.22: Space Security: Issues for the New U.S. Administration

The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) convened in Washington, DC, the fourth conference in its Space Security series, in partnership with CSIS. This year’s gathering: “Space Security: Issues for the New U.S. Administration” provided an opportunity to understand the issues facing the Trump Administration in the space domain.

From left to right: Vice Admiral Charles A. Richard, Deputy Commander, U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM); and Jim Bridenstine, U.S. House of Representatives, Member of the House Armed Services Committee
From left to right: Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation; Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation; Zack Cooper, CSIS; Thomas Karako, CSIS Missile Defense Project; Rear Admiral Jon Hill, Missile Defense Agency; Peter Hays, George Washington University; and Shuji Maeda, Embassy of Japan
From left to right: Todd Harrison, CSIS; Andrew Hunter, CSIS; William LaPlante, MITRE; John D. Schumacher, Aerojet Rocketdyne; and Brett Alexander, Blue Origin
Scott Pace, GWU; Travis Langster, (AGI); Kazuto Suzuki, Hokkaido University, Japan; Bhavya Lal, IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute; Colonel Géraud Laborie, Embassy of France; and Claes Hansen, European Space Agency

3.23: A Roadmap for U.S.-Russia Relations

The CSIS Russia and Eurasia Program and the Russian International Affairs Council presented the findings from their report, A Roadmap for U.S.-Russia Relations. This project, undertaken during a period of significant tension and distrust in the bilateral relationship, brought together a bi-national group of experts to develop clear and actionable paths forward for U.S.-Russian cooperation in key areas critical to the security and prosperity of both countries.

At this launch event, they discussed some of the key recommendations of the report in the context of today’s still evolving — and still challenging — dynamic.

From left to right: Olga Oliker, CSIS; Kathleen H. Hicks, CSIS; Igor Ivanov, Russian International Affairs Council; OIeg Stepanov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Andrey Kortunov, Russian International Affairs Council; and Sergey Rogov, Russian Academy of Sciences

3.24: 2017 U.S. - Japan Security Seminar

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) hosted a seminar: The U.S.-Japan Alliance and the New U.S. Administration.

Yoshiji Nogami, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA); Kazumasa Iwata, Japan Center for Economic Research; Akihiko Tanaka, JIIA; and Mireya Solis, Brookings Institution

3.24: Careers in Global Development: Paul Guenette

“Careers in Global Development” is a monthly series featuring U.S. senior-level, multilateral and NGO officials who have worked in the field of development for at least twenty years. The series is aimed at young professionals who are interested in working in development and includes a one-hour dialogue on both the specific expertise of the speaker, as well as the career path and influences along the way.

The series was hosted by, Paul Guenette — the Chief Communications Officer for ACDI/VOCA — for this session. Paul Guenette is an economic development manager with expertise in agribusiness and trade. Mr. Guenette provides leadership in company wide communication and outreach efforts, corporate planning efforts, and developing public-private partnerships and relationships with external corporations.

From left to right: William J. Garvelink, U.S. Leadership in Development; and Paul Guenette, Chief Communications Officer for ACDI/VOCA

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