The Week at CSIS: the speeches, discussions, and events from November 28 — December 2

CSIS hosts over 2,000 events a year, from major public speeches to small briefings. Join us here for an inside look at the events of the week.


Senator Dan Sullivan and Andy Xie, China Boqi Environmental Science and Technology

The challenges and opportunities presented by China’s rise are hotly contested. To help make sense of the issue, ChinaPower hosted its inaugural conference, featuring a series of debates between leading experts on the nature of Chinese power. The audience was polled for their opinion both before and after each debate. Polling results, debate descriptions, and conference video are posted here.

One of five propositions debated at the event.

Millennial Priorities for Health and Education

Millennials are redefining everything from global security and economics to marriage and work. International Youth Foundation (IYF) and CSIS surveyed 7,600 youth between 16 and 24 years old in 30 countries to gain insight into how young people may shape our world in the years to come.

A few findings from the CSIS-IYF Youth, Prosperity and Security Initiative:

Youth themselves are deeply affected by the threat of terrorism and that concern limits their travel. Forty-one percent of young people in our survey said they will not travel internationally due to fear of terrorism.

Despite all the challenges they face, young people are overwhelmingly optimistic about their futures . Two-thirds say they think their country’s economy will improve, 60% feel that their standard of living will be better than their parents, and 75% feel they will be able to get the kind of job they want.

Report Launch: Herding Livestock Programs Toward Nutrition

How can livestock ownership and management improve children’s nutrition in low income countries? Can livestock interventions make a meaningful contribution to Feed the Future’s stunting reduction targets? How do they pair with and compare to more conventional nutrition approaches?

The CSIS Global Food Security Project hosted a launch and panel discussion exploring the complex pathways from household livestock ownership to nutritional gains in early childhood. A detailed analysis of a Feed the Future dairy program in Rwanda provides a concrete example of the design, management, and measurement challenges of tying nutritional goals to livestock interventions. The new report, Herding Livestock Programs Toward Nutrition, offers recommendations to improve the nutrition focus and impact of livestock programs

Global Security Forum 2016

The Global Security Forum is CSIS’ annual flagship conference on the top challenges facing U.S. and global security. This year’s Forum focused on the foreign and security policy agenda for the next U.S. Administration.

Left: Leon Panetta, Former Secretary of Defense and Former Director of Central Intelligence and global security experts

Effective Strategies for Reducing Political Violence: New Evidence from Select Case Studies in Africa

Beza Tesfaye, Mercy Corps; Feysal Osman, Mercy Corps; Corinne Graff, USAID

CSIS and Mercy Corps hosted an expert panel on effective programmatic approaches to CVE in Africa. Mercy Corps will present the findings of its rigorous mixed-methods impact evaluation of a multi-year youth-focused stability program in Somaliland funded by USAID. The other panelists will share their observations and experience implementing CVE programs in Africa, debunking the notion that the international community has no evidence about what works and what does not.

Third from the left: His Excellency Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi

A Discussion with His Excellency Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi

His Excellency Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi, former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, reflected on his career in the Kingdom’s energy work, including 21 years (1995–2016) as Minister of Petroleum. hE also spearheaded efforts to establish the King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) and the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC).

Forbes Magazine routinely identified Al-Naimi as one of the 50 most influential people in the world. His memoirs, Out of the Desert, were published recently.

Alliances and American Leadership Project Launch

Admiral Gary Roughead, Former Chief of Naval Operations, USN (Ret.)

At a time of great uncertainty for the United States and its allies around the world, CSIS is launching the Alliances and American Leadership Project in an effort to answer vitally important questions about the future of the U.S.-led alliance system.

For more than half a century, the United States’ network of alliances has been a central pillar of the liberal international system, contributing significantly to global stability and prosperity. Until recently, the pivotal role of alliances in U.S. grand strategy has not been seriously challenged. Today, however, the U.S.-led alliance system stands at a crossroads. The United States and its allies face a wider range of international threats than at any time during the post-war period, which can only be met with strong international partnerships. In many allied countries, traditional ties with the United States are under increased strain owing to domestic politics and shifting regional alignments.

The Future of Power Generation: A New Era for Renewables

The CSIS Energy & National Security Program hosted a discussion on the outlook for the electric power sector and the future role of renewables. The U.S. electric power sector is in the midst of a transition. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) both produce annual outlooks that assess long-term trends in renewable energy, which help understand the changes to this sector. Doug Arent and Wesley Cole will outline the scenarios developed by NREL. Ethan Zindler will summarize the key findings of the BNEF study published earlier this year.

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Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

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