The Week at CSIS: the speeches, discussions, and events from October 31 — November 4

CSIS hosts over 2,000 events a year, from major public speeches to small briefings. Join us here for an inside look at the events of the week.


Book Launch: On War and Politics: The Battlefield Inside Washington’s Beltway

General James Jones, Jr., Senator Sam Nunn, Senator John Warner, and Maj. General Arnold Punaro

Maj. Gen. Arnold Punaro, USMCR (Ret.), served thirty-five years in uniform, both active and reserve. He spent twenty-four years in the U.S. Senate, becoming staff director of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Currently CEO of a small business, he was a top industry executive and continues to serve on numerous boards and commissions on national security.

In his long-awaited memoir, Punaro presents stories from his personal and public life — from sobering accounts of his days in combat in Vietnam to colorful anecdotes about political luminaries such as John McCain, the Clintons, the Presidents Bush, Colin Powell, Robert Gates, and Ash Carter; from revelations about backroom politics in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill to insights into how decisions are really made inside the Beltway.

Semiconductors and the Future of the Tech Economy

Semiconductors are the backbone of the world’s digital economy. They will become even more instrumental as cutting-edge technologies like driverless cars, artificial intelligence, and precision nanosurgery emerge. However, challenges are on the horizon. CSIS hosted a major policy speech by US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker followed by a panel on the critical importance of the semiconductor sector in U.S. competitiveness and innovation.

Secretary Penny Pritzker of the U.S. Department of Commerce

The Role of Space in Maritime Operations with Rear Admiral Christian Becker

CSIS and the United States Naval Institute (USNI) hosted the final Maritime Security Dialogue with Rear Admiral Christian “Boris” Becker, Program Executive Officer, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (PEO C4I) & Program Executive Officer, Space Systems (PEO Space Systems).

Rear Admiral Christian Becker and Todd Harrison, Director ofDefense Budget Analysis and Director and Aerospace Security Project at CSIS

Pathways for US Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: What Options are on the Table?

The Energy and National Security Program hosted an expert discussion about some of the regulatory, legislative, international and subnational efforts that may be pursued to reduce future emissions. Kyle Danish from Van Ness Feldman explained the regulatory options; Adele Morris from the Brookings Institution focused the notion of a carbon tax or other market based mechanisms; and Bob Perciasepe from C2ES discussed the feasibility of these approaches as well as how important local, state, and international actions are to achieving these emissions reduction goals.

Bob Perciasepe and Adele Morris

Careers in Global Development: Marcia Wong

“Careers in Global Development” is a monthly series featuring U.S. senior-level officials who have worked in the field of development for at least twenty years. The series is aimed at young professionals who are interested in working in development and focuses on the role of humanitarian assistance in development and U.S. foreign policy; development as a tool to counter violent extremism; and sectoral issues such as food security, health, and education.

This specific session featured Marcia Wong, policy advisor for the International Committee of the Red Cross. She focuses on humanitarian issues in fragile and weak states, covering counterterrorism, extremism, resiliency, law, and dialogue. Before ICRC, Ms. Wong spent a career spanning thirty years at USAID, the US Institute of Peace, and the State Department.

William J. Garvelink, senior adviser for U.S. Leadership in Development at CSIS and Marcia Wong

Global Media in Foreign Policy and Public Engagement

CSIS’ Project on Prosperity and Development was joined by John Lansing, the CEO and Director of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, for a conversation on how journalism and media steers opinion and policy around the world. The discussion focused on forming narratives that can alter public opinion. Some countries increasingly use messaging as a soft-power tool to promote a particular viewpoint, while external actors like civil society advance alternative policy agendas. As part of this event, experts also covered the closing civil society and public diplomacy space in Russia.

Dan Runde, Director of the Project on Prosperity and Development at CSIS, John Lansing, Shannon Green, Director of CSIS’ Human Rights Initiative, and Jeffrey Mankoff, the Deputy Director of CSIS’ Russia and Eurasia program

A New Foreign Policy Frontier: Asset Recovery and Combating Illicit Financing

The 2003 United Nations Convention Against Corruption established the recovery of stolen assets as a fundamental principal of international public law. Switzerland is widely recognized for its pioneering role in promoting proactive asset recovery policies and has itself enacted the Foreign Illicit Assets Act to ensure that the five principals of asset recovery — prevention, due diligence, obligation to report, international mutual legal assistance, and restitution — are operationalized. How are other states working to strengthen asset recovery capabilities? How has technology improved tracking illicit financing and how has it been used to thwart detection? Can anti-kleptocracy measures be used as retaliation against state-sponsored corruption?

The Europe Program at CSIS hosted Ambassador Roberto Balzaretti, legal adviser to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and led a panel discussion on the strategy, reforms, and challenges of asset recovery and combating illicit financing.

Ambassador Roberto Balzaretti

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Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

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