CUIP Simulation Webinar

Reid Belew
Center for Urban Informatics and Progress


October 26th, 2:00 p.m. — 3:15 p.m

The UTC’s Edney Floor 2 Webinar Series is a monthly series that brings together academic, corporate, government, and industrial experts to discuss trends and topics within the far-reaching smart cities realm. Topics such as artificial intelligence, sustainable mobility, smart health applications, urban planning, and more are discussed. Though presented virtually during the pandemic, these discussion-style talks will take place in UTC’s space at the Edney building in downtown Chattanooga, TN, and are free and open to everyone.

This webinar will feature both the academic and industry perspectives on how simulation tools can help guide decision making processes in various transportation applications, along with how simulation tools compare to each other. Application of offline simulation to understand and solve transportation problems, along with various applications including connected vehicle, traffic control systems, automated vehicles will be covered.

Register for the webinar here:


Dr. Hesham Rakha

Hesham A. Rakha is currently the Samuel Reynolds Pritchard Professor of Engineering in the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy) at Virginia Tech and the Director of the Center for Sustainable Mobility at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. His research focuses on large-scale transportation system optimization, modeling and assessment. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. His work received six conference best paper awards, one journal most cited paper award, and received 1st place in the IEEE ITSC 2020 UAS4T Competition. He received Virginia Tech’s Dean’s Award for Outstanding New Professor (2002), the College of Engineering Faculty Fellow Award (2004–2006), and the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research (2007). He is an Editor and Associate editor on a number of journals.

Dr. Osama Osman

Dr. Osman is the Assistant Professor of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Data Analytics in the Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering (CCE) at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). Prior to joining UTC, he was a research faculty at the Center for Sustainable Mobility at Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). His research focuses on modeling and analysis of CV and CAV environments, application of advanced modeling and data analytics techniques for traffic control and active traffic management, developing machine learning and deep learning algorithms for detection and prediction of risky driving behavior, and investigation of impact of emerging vehicular technologies and smart mobility on mobility, energy, and behavioral safety. He authored or co-authored over 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals, national and international conference proceedings, technical reports, and a book chapter. He is also the recipient of the 2020 best paper award on User Information Systems from the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences. He is the chair of the Communications Subcommittee and Research Coordinator of the Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications.

Dr. Li Zhang

Dr. Li Zhang received his BS/MS degree in railroad engineering in China and his MS degree in Computer Science and Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech.

Dr. Zhang is an associate professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University, and he has been at MSU for more than 15 years. He has been awarded diversified research funding from AASHTO, FHWA, FAA/ASSURE, State DOT, DHS, etc. as PI and CO-PI. His areas of expertise are traffic operations and control, traffic simulations, connected and automated vehicle operations, UAS safety operations, and multimodal commercial delivery network.

Dr. Zhang was the principal of his private companies, being awarded multiple US DOT small business awards for cloud-based microscopic traffic simulation. He has finished his one year sabbatical research at Saxton Transportation Operations Lab (STOL), FHWA’s research center near Washington DC, where he has lead a team to conduct mobility and safety research.

The Center for Urban Informatics and Progress is a smart city research center at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. CUIP is committed to applied smart city research that betters the lives of citizens every day. For more on the work we’re doing and our mission, visit



Reid Belew
Center for Urban Informatics and Progress

Marketing Manager at the Center for Urban Informatics and Progress