Introducing CenterPrime Watermark NFT Technology

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4 min readMar 21, 2022

By now, it should be evident that NFTs today are not as safe as some people in the scene might make it out to be. Stolen artworks or NFTs can be minted and sold with relative ease, ergo you the customer, if not cautious, can come into possession of some questionable NFTs. As a new industry, there have not yet been any appropriate solutions.

Until now.

Introducing CenterPrime Watermark Technology. A revolutionary technology months in the making. Watermarks offer so much more than just simple protection of copy-pasting of your NFT, they serve as a visual distinction for NFTs that you can safely purchase. Watermarks are only issued if an independently contracted service provider verifies both the artist and brand behind them. With this technology, the risk of getting scammed is as low as ever, and copyright of NFTs will be accessible more easily to the customer.

CenterPrime added content watermark security function to existing NFT smart contracts ERC721 and ERC1155 to solve security problem of NFT replication. It is to apply functions such as proving a water park to an NFT work for proof of ownership of content by original author or producer of content. The process of making watermarks follows this steps.
First step is to publish original digital content NFT by connecting watermark content NFT and artist- certified NFT. This is using the function of ERC1155.

The process above is completed in two steps. Step 1, watermark original NFT content. Step 2 is to automatically issue original content NFT verified through the NFT content verification group certification (creator certification).

After going through these two processes, a combined certified NFT is issued to protect the original digital content. In addition, by identifying forged or modulated NFTs, verification NFTs are distinguished, and authenticity is checked by matching with other content NFTs.

Once the technology jumps on, more and more NFT dealers will adopt the system, which will lead to an ever-increasing safety of the entire marketplace.
Coincidentally, once the customer purchases a watermark content NFT, they will be able to access the original content NFT with the help of artist and brand certification NFTs. For this, we are partnering up with service provider agency VIW, who in turn partners up with popular art galleries and artist groups. VIW will host the artist and brand certification process, and they will require a list of legally authenticated documents providing artist background and economic details. This presents a legal and bureaucratic hurdle that scammers cannot trespass.

And for the artists, watermarks are customizable and can be used for your own marketing purposes. Have your own brand? Use your logo as a watermark. It’s that simple. Spread awareness of your brand by using an easily recognizable watermark.

CenterPrime is the sole service provider of this kind of security technology on the current market. With our security technology that is offering a unique cross-certification process combining both brand certification and artist verification, CenterPrime is taking a big leap towards a safer future for digital art. Watermarks will allow customers to mitigate risks and once again safely browse popular NFT marketplaces. After multiple hacking scandals, including the infamous OpenSea Hacking Scandals of January and February 2022, CenterPrime Technology will bring back customer trust and create the foundation for future industry growth and customer safety.

About CenterPrime

The CenterPrime project uses a hyperledger private chain to share an open banking API to apps, connecting centralized finance to decentralized finance. Also making smart pairing data for loan, remittance, exchange, payment, and exchange rate information possible to be included in fintech oracle networks.

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About VIW

VIW project distributes smart contracts connected to IPFS through simple UI/UX. Individuals have full ownership by creating and distributing NFTs through smart contracts connected to IPFS. Try and own your own smart contract and NFT through VIW.


#NFT #NFTsecurity #Watermark #NFTWatermark #CenterPrime #OpenSea #NFTMarketplace #NFTwatermark #NFTContent #VIW

