Weekly Prompt: 19

Write a one sentence, nineteen-word story

J.A. Taylor
Centina Pentina


Image by AnnaER from Pixabay

Nineteen is a magical age. It’s a year into legal adulthood in the States but on the cusp of the 20s.

Nineteen is also young. It is only one decade past childhood but still young and supple; not yet thrust into the world at large.

Nineteen is like a Friday — after the typical work week, but before the weekend. Today is also the nineteenth Friday of the year, after a year of unwanted change due to a microscopic virus with 19 in its name. Ugh.

Nineteen has some historical significance. The 19th amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to vote — something that should have never been withheld. The amendment was passed in 1919.

Since we have a convergence of such magical numerical significance, your prompt this week is to write a one-sentence 19-word story. Bonus claps if your story includes a 19-year-old female protagonist.

Be sure to tag your piece with the tag: onesentencestory

