Be Quiet and Don’t Open the Door

You may just have a chance

Betsy Denson
Centina Pentina


After the second alert, we all locked ourselves in Daphne’s office.

“What’s going on?” George hissed. “Cell’s dead.”

Shhhh. Mary mimicked the sound. NO TALKING. NO NOISE AT ALL. REMEMBER ?!? read her scribble on the sales report.

Someone suppressed a sneeze. Someone passed gas.


When the silence outside broke, it was slow, like a rolling wave that never quite reaches shore. There was a scream, far off, which abruptly stopped. Megan took my hand and squeezed. The nuditude just beyond us was something hard to describe. Static maybe, or a thousand fingers scratching one door.


Centina based on the prompt: “For this week’s prompt, your challenge is to write a story that contains a non-existent word. But we can’t just go around making up fake words without any rules. That would be utter chaos. The first rule is, you must use”

Thanks J.A. Taylor!



Betsy Denson
Centina Pentina

Always looking for the interesting. Incurably curious. Write a new book in my head once a month. Hopefully one will cross the finish line before I'm 80.