Centina Pentina Now Publishes All Microfiction

We can’t wait to see your microfiction, up to 250 words

Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina
2 min readMar 16, 2021


Photo by Paolo Chiabrando on Unsplash

We’re jumping up and down, doing somersaults, and blaring the calypso at full volume while we do the limbo because we’re excited to tell you the news:

Centina Pentina is now home to all microfiction!

No longer do we just publish stories that are exactly 50 or 100 words. We accept all microfiction up to 250 words. We’re keeping our name, Centina Pentina, so we always remember our roots.

We’re in love with microfiction and how entire worlds can exist in such few words.

We’ll have a lot more to say about this in the coming weeks, but for now here’s what you need to know:

Please include one of the following tags with your story:

6wordstory for stories that are exactly six words long
Pentina for stories that are exactly 50 words long
Centina for stories that are exactly 100 words long
OneSentenceStory for stories that are told in one sentence
PostcardFiction for all the rest, stories that are 250 words or fewer

Centinas and Pentinas need no introduction, but here are a few details on the new forms:

Six word stories

Inspired by something Hemingway is said to have written: For sale: baby shoes, never worn. Here are some more examples of six-word stories.

One-sentence stories

Make the reader cry, smile, gasp, shudder, shiver, and feel as if they’ve spent a lifetime with your character. We like Underneath the Glow by Andrea Cherkerzian. Enjoy these one-sentence stories, too.

Postcard Fiction

Any story more than one sentence, but not 6, 50, or 100 words. Postcard fiction can be up to 250 words.

Keep your eyes peeled for our first microfiction writing prompt this coming Friday and for microfiction writing tips. (You don’t need to wait until the prompt to submit your microfiction.) Do you have a question? Post a note on this article and we’ll answer it.



Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina

I’m the editor of the 50 and 100-word flash fiction publication, Centina Pentina. (My Medium writing profile is www.medium.com/@billadler.)