Gutenberg’s Big Idea

And the invention to pull it off

Mark Starlin
Centina Pentina
Published in
Dec 3, 2020


Public Domain

Johannes Gutenberg brought his girlfriend, Gisela, into his shop and showed her his latest invention.

“What is it, Johannes?”

“I call it a printing press. It can produce exact copies of a book at a rapid pace.”

“Incredible. You will become rich.”


“What will you print first? The Bible would be a good idea.”

“Perhaps so. They are quite popular. But I have an even better idea. I plan to print one million phone books.”

“What are phones?”

“Let me show you. I am quite proud of this one.”

Sadly, the phone didn’t catch on for quite some time.

Based on the Centina Pentina prompt: Write a 100-word fictional story behind a real invention.

