Just Annie and Me

And no other human being

Nanji Erode
Centina Pentina
Mar 22, 2021


Photo by Denise Paik on Unsplash

I peered at the vast Martian land through the small window in the cabin. I then lay down and closed my eyes.

When NASA asked me to spend six months on terraformed Mars for an experiment, I agreed for the sake of science. After forty-five days of isolation, I regretted that decision.

I had Annie, my three-year-old labrador. We played ball and went for long walks, but I was longing for human company.

I must've dozed off when Annie’s warning bark jolted me awake.

I knew what that bark meant. Someone or something was at the door.



Nanji Erode
Centina Pentina

Ideator, Copywriter, Movie Lover, Science Enthusiast, Minimalist.