My Stalker

How is a person’s worth judged?

Bill Adler
Centina Pentina


Photo by Quinn Buffing on Unsplash

I abruptly spun around.

“Oh, sorry,” he said, as he collided with me.

I sighed like a deflating balloon. “Listen, I’m grateful to have a stalker. I know not everyone can, and those who don’t feel neglected, dejected, and rejected. We’re worthless if we’re not stalked.”

He nodded.

“But please put some effort into stalking. Send me creepy texts, make sinister calls, slip raunchy notes in my mailbox, press your nose to my window at 2 a.m., and try to hide while you’re following me.”

“Would you stalk me to show me how?”

“Clever, but that’s not going to work.”



Bill Adler
Centina Pentina

An American writer in Japan, editor of The Binge-Watching Cure books, author of the bestselling book, Outwitting Squirrels. Occasional pilot, 24/7 cat owner.