Humorous Microfiction

Off To London

The day tripper

Mark Starlin
Centina Pentina
Published in
Jan 22, 2021


Pedro Silva

As Jessica was leaving her suburban home in Topeka, her husband John asked, “Where are you going, Babe?”

“London. I have wanted to ride the London Eye for years. So I’ve decided to go ahead and do it.”

“You’re going all the way to England to ride a Ferris wheel?”

“Well, I thought I would drop by Paul McCartney’s and have tea also.”

“Sounds delightful. Anything else?”

“Mick Jagger invited me to a Rolling Stones practice. That sounds fun.”

“No doubt. I see you are taking grocery bags.”

“I thought I would do some shopping also.”

“Get some ice cream.”

Based on the Centina Pentina prompt: Write a 50 or 100 word story about a Ferris wheel.

