Pentina Prompt: Accompanied by a Guitar

Write a story involving the infamous six-stringed instrument

J.A. Taylor
Centina Pentina


Image by Peter Fischer from Pixabay

When I asked my wife to marry me, I played her a diddy I had arranged on my maroon-sunburst, acoustic six string. I figured it would put more pressure on her to say yes if she knew I had taken the time to compose a song in her honor.

I was right.

Music has a magical power to tickle the ears and charm the soul. It moves us emotionally and physically, makes us smile, and can even draw tears from our eyes.

One of the most well-known instruments in our culture is the guitar. Although its original form — birthed from the lute and the lyre — likely had only four strings, humanity has since improved on this magical contraption, creating a masterpiece of which Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton, Eddie Van Halen, and many others have deemed worthy.

With that in mind, it’s time for you to unstring your inner musician and fret those fingers to craft something artistic. Though we may not be able to hear your creation, you can make us feel it. So, tune up your creative engines and start composing that Pentina. Make sure to axe any words over 50 and write a story involving arguably the world’s most versatile instrument: A guitar.

