Pentina Prompt: Textual Context

Write a 50-word story composed of only text messages

J.A. Taylor
Centina Pentina


A very real-looking fake text message interchange, courtesy of

I checked my teenage daughter’s phone today. 307 unread text messages. And she had only been away from it for 90 minutes.

The world thrives on texting. There are an estimated 23 billion text messages sent every day. That’s 8,395,000,000,000 text messages per year. For those of you like me who have trouble counting zeroes, that is roughly 8.4 trillion. Keep in mind, this number does not include messages sent on social media platforms. This may seem like a large number, but it is only about a third of the size of the U.S. national debt.

Since texting is such a large part of global communication, we know there are many ‘stories’ that could be told through those little virtual messages. Your prompt this week is to write a 50-word story that is only told through text messages. You don’t have to go make it look all official by using a fake generator (but if you do, please include the regular text in your story for us to tally the word count).

Let’s follow this labeling format so we know who is texting:

DAD: what are we going to get Jenny for her birthday?

MOM: pants.

DAD: what kind of pants?

