Prompt: Introducing the 3-Point Challenge

Creativity flourishes within boundaries

J.A. Taylor
Centina Pentina


Photo by Tony Hand on Unsplash

Once upon a time, I produced videos for a living. I worked for a non-profit, had a crappy salary, and when I started, had zero tools to produce said videos. And you know what? I made some creative stuff. I found ways to pull off captivating pieces that I could have never afforded — asking seasoned videographers to help me frame shots, making a jib with a fishing pole and old weights, tweaking cheap microphones to capture the best sound possible in a makeshift studio in the corner of a leaky building lined with eggcrate mattress pads. And all the editing was done on a piss-poor PC with discarded RAM. It was a creative madhouse run by a kid who was determined to never let a lack of resources hinder his creativity.

Then it all changed. Because of my ambition, I was given a brand new MacBook Pro, the latest version of Final Cut Studio, and a nice camera and boom mic. And guess what happened? My creativity plummeted. I was paralyzed. I had all these tools and felt like I should be able to produce the most amazing videos on the planet. Only I couldn’t. Though I had access to every tool I could wish for at my disposal, I didn’t know how to use them. I became overwhelmed reading manuals, searching online, trying to learn all the methods of the pros.

