Taken for a Ride

A 100-word flash fiction story

Ellie Jacobson
Centina Pentina


Photo by iStrfry , Marcus on Unsplash

Under the searing sun, we waited our turn for the tallest coaster around. Silence surrounded us. I contemplated telling her, “We should see other people.”

As we ascended the first hill, I peered outward, avoiding her smile. The coaster halted for a millisecond. Her screech slid down each foot of the sixty. Beads of her sweat jumped into my mouth. I loved swallowing her taste.

At the second drop, the gravity forced my body into hers. The words slipped out, “I love you.” We grasped our hands, traveling through the upside-down loop. She smirked, “We’re over.” My heart sank.



Ellie Jacobson
Centina Pentina

Editor at Flash Fiction Magazine & Intrepidus Ink | Flint & Steel editor | MFA candidate working on first novel | mom to 2 kitties, 2 teenage sons & many cats