The Assignment in Question

Why I didn’t get my homework done in 100 words

Christine Graves
Centina Pentina


Okay, so like, I was working on my assignment, and, like, I got a text from Gina who said that Becky heard that, like, Jonah was going to ask me to the dance, but, like, I’m totally waiting for Kyle to ask me, because he’s so hot, and so I, like, sent her a text back telling her that I liked Kyle and she texted me back and said, like, Kyle was taking Alysa to the dance, and I was like, OMG she’s so last year and Gina was like, I know, right and…um, wait. What was the question again?

© Christine Graves 2020

The best excuse is no excuse at all. Great prompt Bill Adler.



Christine Graves
Centina Pentina

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.