The Monster Behind Door Number Two

A 100-word story

Bill DuBay Jr.
Centina Pentina


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Timmy pulled the covers over his head as he heard moaning from inside the closet. He didn’t know which sounds were scarier, those or the growling coming from the hallway.

Two monsters. He’d have to face them to make them go away. He got up and ran.

He chose the closet first, swung the door open, and stared horrified. It was his brother, bruised and cowering in the corner.

The growling monster burst in. “Get back in bed! Do you want to end up like your brother?” his father yelled.

Timmy obeyed, welcoming dreams about being big enough to escape.

This was in response to the prompt “Write a horror story,” although this turned out to be more of a thriller instead.



Bill DuBay Jr.
Centina Pentina

Bill is the author of "The Deadhead Wizard", which Kirkus Reviews calls "A delight for readers who grew up in the 80s or with a twisted taste in adventure..."