Weekly Pentina Prompt: Fall Weather and Homographs to Fall for

Write a 50-word story using both meanings of a homograph

J.A. Taylor
Centina Pentina


Photo by 浮萍 闪电 on Unsplash

The Fall is officially here in my hometown, and I fall in love with this season every year. See what I did there?

Homographs can be misleading. Ever read something and realize you read it wrong? Homographs are words that share the same spelling but have different meanings. In Greek, the word literally means “same writing.” Before you close this prompt, remember you are getting close to some fodder for your next Pentina.

Your mission this week, should you choose to accept it, is to write a Pentina using BOTH meanings of a homograph. Simply including a homograph won’t be enough to get you published. Just like Fall brings us beautiful leaves, a beautiful Pentina leaves a clever twist by using both meanings of a homograph.

If you are having trouble thinking of some homographs, here are several examples used in two different sentences to expose their meaning:

Please close the door.
I was close to her.

You must learn to be content.
Quality content is better than quantity.

