Weekly Pentina Prompt: Hiccups

Write a 50-word story about hiccups

Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina
1 min readSep 4, 2020


Photo by Bill Adler

Hiccups can be amusing or annoying, last seconds or — so we’re told — sometimes years. Hiccups aren’t unique to humans, either: otters, horses, squirrels, pandas and kittens, to name just a few animals, get the hiccups. (We don’t recommend trying to cure a bear of its hiccups by scaring it.)

Our favorite online dictionary defines hiccup as “an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs, with a sudden closure of the glottis and a characteristic gulping sound,” but that’s not the whole story, is it?

Science tells us that hiccups are — you know what? Never mind what science says. We want to read how you weave hiccups into a 50-word story, a pentina.

Be sure to tag your story with pentina, and while you’re at it, add Pentina to your spellcheck’s dictionary.



Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina

I’m the editor of the 50 and 100-word flash fiction publication, Centina Pentina. (My Medium writing profile is www.medium.com/@billadler.)