Weekly Pentina Prompt: The Open Door

Write a 50-word story about what comes in when you leave your door open

Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina
2 min readJan 8, 2021


Photo by Bill Adler

Oh no! You did it. (Again?) You left the front door open.

For this week’s 50-word pentina, write a story about what walks into your house or apartment because you left open the front door.

What comes your way could be something wicked or kind, hungry or bearing food, from the nearby woods or a distant galaxy, or your ex or your ex-high school English teacher who has come to collect your homework that’s twenty years late. Perhaps you discover Taylor Swift or Will Smith sitting on your couch.

In some parts of the world people leave their doors open all day and night; in other places triple locks on multi-layered steel barriers are the norm. No matter where you live, you have to open your door sometime and it’s as inevitable as forgetting where you put your keys that at some point you’ll neglect to close the door.

Animal, mineral or vegetable? That’s the first question you ask when playing Twenty Questions. What walks into your home can be anything. Dazzle us.

As always, make good use of the subtitle space, with a descriptive or thought-provoking subtitle.



Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina

I’m the editor of the 50 and 100-word flash fiction publication, Centina Pentina. (My Medium writing profile is www.medium.com/@billadler.)