Weekly Pentina Prompt: Untranslatable Words

Write a 50-word story using a non-English word that can’t be translated into English

Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina
1 min readOct 2, 2020


Photo by Bill Adler

Every language has words that are impossible to translate into other languages, including English. For instance, while facepalm and gobbledygook exist as concepts in many cultures there’s no corresponding word for them outside of English.

Here’s a list of untranslatable words. Please choose one and use it in a story: https://www.boredpanda.com/untranslatable-words-found-in-translation-anjana-iyer.

My favorite is the Japanese word, tsundoku, which means letting unread books pile up, but choose whichever word strikes your fancy. And don’t worry about waldeinsamkeit.

Include the word you choose in your story’s subtitle so we know what you’re writing about. For example, “A 50-word story about tingo”.

Optionally, you can include a definition of the word after your story (the definition won’t count toward the 50 words.) Just separate the story and the definition with Medium’s three dot separator.



Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina

I’m the editor of the 50 and 100-word flash fiction publication, Centina Pentina. (My Medium writing profile is www.medium.com/@billadler.)