Weekly Prompt: 3 Points of Trust

Another three-point challenge

J.A. Taylor
Centina Pentina


Trust is a loaded word. It can mean belief, hope in an idea, being responsible for someone, or an arrangement where a person or organization (a trustee) holds property as its nominal owner for one or more beneficiaries.

This week, your challenge has three musts: 1) Write a story about trust, 2) using the word, “trust,” 3) with a picture from the Birmingham Museums Trust.

Not too hard, right? We’ve already handled the inspiration part by giving you some great picture options to boot. There're some gems in there. Like this ole chap:

Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

And this semi-frightened lady:

Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Whatever image you choose, make sure your story is about trust. To ensure your story appears in the correct category, use one of the following tags:

6wordstory for stories that are exactly six words long
Pentina for stories that are exactly 50 words long
Centina for stories that are exactly 100 words long
OneSentenceStory for stories that are told entirely in one sentence
PostcardFiction for all the rest, stories that are 250 words or fewer

Have fun. We trust you will write something great!


