Weekly Prompt: Run

Write a story beginning with the word “Run”

Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina
2 min readAug 6, 2021


Photo by Bill Adler


This week’s prompt is to write a story that begins with the word, “Run.”

Your main character could be running from something (Godzilla!), toward something (there’s money falling from the sky), around and around (stuck in the Twilight Zone), back and forth, to the office and back over and over again, from a boat’s bow to stern, on a hamster wheel on the space station, or anywhere you want.

As long as your story starts with “Run,” it’s a go. By the way, “Running,” “Ran,” or any other form of the word doesn’t count. If you use one of those variations, we’ll ask you to “Run to the 7–11 and pick up a pint of pistachio Häagen-Dazs for us.” Sound fair?

As for genres: Science fiction, romance, horror, adventure, thriller, literary fiction, fantasy, magical realism — they all work.

Centina Pentina publishes microfiction of up to 250 words. Please include one of the following tags with your story:

6wordstory for stories that are exactly six words long

Pentina for stories that are exactly 50 words long

Centina for stories that are exactly 100 words long

OneSentenceStory for stories that are told entirely in one sentence

PostcardFiction for all the rest, stories that are 250 words or fewer



Bill Adler Editor
Centina Pentina

I’m the editor of the 50 and 100-word flash fiction publication, Centina Pentina. (My Medium writing profile is www.medium.com/@billadler.)