You Get What You Give

A retelling of Aesop’s fable, “The Miser”

Louise Foerster
Centina Pentina


Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

“Maeve! Close the door.” Professor Doherty leaned back.

“You wanted to see me?”

“You’re failing my course.”

“But my data’s exceptional!”

“That’s not the point. You hoarded your precious data. Your team was forced to research and generate its own. What’s more, they interpreted the data into information that they then used to generate knowledge and actionable recommendations.”

“Mine was the real work.”

“They call you ‘Gollum.’”

“They envy me!”

“No one cares about you. Be happy with the 5% you earned by bringing doughnuts. Try to remember data is useless in and of itself. Only knowledge has real power.”



Louise Foerster
Centina Pentina

Writes "A snapshot in time we can all relate to - with a twist." Novelist, marketer, business story teller, new product imaginer…