The One With The Solutions

Angelica Orteo
Central Perk
Published in
7 min readFeb 14, 2021

How Individuals Can Contribute in Protecting and Conserving the Environment

by Angelica Orteo and Carlos Sibucao

Illustration made with Canva

The Earth is healing — A phrase that has circulated on social media weeks after the government placed major parts of the country under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). With the air pollution slowing down and the water pollution clearing up along with the natural wildlife returning home, there is no doubt that people would think that the planet is recovering. However, is the Earth actually healing from all the environmental issues that we have faced for decades now?

According to Greenpeace Philippines, the operations of many modes of transportation like jeepneys, buses, motorcycles, etc was temporarily stopped as the government placed the country, especially Metro Manila, under ECQ as part of mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Due to this, 2.5 million fossil fuel reliant vehicles were not allowed to use the roads leading to a logical yet somehow unexpected drastic changes in the quality of air in the Metro. This was proven by an air monitoring laboratory after tallying a 180% decrease in PM2.5 (particles from burning fuel and chemical reaction in the atmosphere which are 100 times thinner than a human hair and stays suspended in the air longer) since the ECQ was implemented. But after many transport vehicles were permitted to travel again as the quarantine protocols were relaxed and put under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) and eventually General Community Quarantine (GCQ), air pollution is present once again. We all know about the adverse and harmful effects of air pollution not just to the overall climate but also to our health as it can cause strokes, lung cancer and asthma just to name a few.

Aside from air pollution, on the report of, 55 people die everyday due to water pollution and insufficient proper sewage. And as an effect of rapid urbanization and industrialization for the sake of profit, it was shown in a study conducted by Greenpeace that Filipinos in farming areas are drinking water contaminated with nitrate levels that are beyond the safety limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to this, many Filipino families in the slums just throw their waste in bodies of water like rivers and creeks. And most of the time this is because of the lack of sanitation facilities in the country.

On the other hand, deforestation, agricultural land conversion, urbanization, and improper garbage disposal are the main instigators of land/soil pollution in the country. Again, just like the former types of pollution, human negligence and irresponsibility also contributed a lot in polluting and destroying our land resources. With chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and other waste that we throw into the soil we cause our lands to deteriorate. And not only this, these chemicals flow into bodies of water and into our home and eventually to our consumption. That is why we need to spark up a change before we lost our home. And the solution that is perfect for this type of change is none other than switching up to clean energy.

Therefore, our planet needs to be saved now more than ever but what or how can we contribute as individuals during this pandemic? Here are some of the ways and practices that every single one of us could do to start up our clean energy drive.

Start a climate conversation

Do not shame a person if he/she uses or consumes single-use straws or plastics. Instead, educate them. Because when you shame a person, what do you think might stay in his/her mind? The environmental effects of using single-use wastes or you shouting at them?

Calling out other people without raising awareness would not be effective in promoting a more sustainable environment. Climate change requires people to work together, having communication and thorough education as the keys towards preventing it.

Eat for a climate-stable planet

Reducing animal food intake and mostly eating plant foods is one of the most powerful things we can do to reduce our impact on the planet, in terms of energy required, land used, greenhouse gas emissions, water used and pollutants produced, as research consistently shows.

Whatever fruit or vegetable grows in a certain season determines the nutrients that our body needs in that season. The decisions people make about food have a profound effect on the environment which is why buying organic and local products are highly encouraged. A serving size of meat compared to a serving size of vegetables is known to be 20 times more greenhouse gas emissions as the production of animal products generates the majority of food-related greenhouse-gas emissions.

Consume less; use energy wisely

As cliché as it sounds, by simply turning off the lights and appliances you would not need as of the moment and by using water appropriately, you are contributing in preserving the environment.

Aside from that, buy only the things that you need which will be useful in your everyday life. One of the most popular cultures today is the thrift shop culture wherein you can buy clothes, shoes and bags, that are usually preloved items, for a cheaper price. It does not only help a person to be frugal or to just simply save money but it also helps the people to reuse and upcycle different kinds of clothes for being one of the biggest contributors of land pollution. Hence, you can also make repurposing your own habit, upcycling your own clothes and creating a new one with your own style.

Support and join youth-led movements

Small things when put together becomes a big contribution. There is no such thing as big or small as long as it would help in achieving a more sustainable environment. Hence, it is the season where the youth has taken the initiative to fight for climate justice. Young people are the most at stake when it comes to climate change; their futures are on the line. Truly, age is just a number and as time goes by, additional numbers of climate activists and environmental defenders have grown and have been doing projects for the betterment of the planet.

If you are protesting, then there is something that needs to be addressed and changed. Striking and campaigning petitions has been a helpful tool not just in raising awareness but also in getting the attention of the government officials to have climate actions.

Get politically active and vote

Climate justice, as well as saving our planet, does not only mean reducing our consumption of wastes, water, and energy, but should also be improved by government officials. Government, with its policies, laws, rules, regulations, standards, and incentives are important to achieve change in the system. With that being said, we should vote for politicians who have a goal of conducting climate actions and policies.

Lobbying policies pertaining to our environment also contributes!

Switch to alternatives

If you would ask me what’s another thing that our country is rich for aside from international debts worth trillions and COVID-19 cases, it’s plastic. And this is nothing to be proud of but rather be ashamed about. Single-use plastics like straws, bags, utensils, food containers, etc. has become part of our culture as we use this on probably almost all of our daily routines. But this part of our culture has to stop and be terminated. For the past decades, we’ve all witnessed how these plastics cover up and pollute our bodies of water, kill millions of marine animals and resources, and clog our drainage systems. These single-use plastics are considerably our number one enemy in our fight to save and preserve the environment.

And the most valuable and effective weapon we could use to beat these plastics is to start investing and incorporating reusable metal or bamboo straws if you prefer drinking beverages through a straw and also by using eco-bags when we shop or run through some errands.

Single-use plastics manifest our throw-away culture which mainly contributes to the devastation of our environment. Through switching to alternatives like the ones mentioned above, we could change this unhealthy and toxic lifestyle and start living a green and peaceful life while saving our home.

Human beings and the environment are interrelated with each other. Humans depend and adapt to their environment in order to have their basic needs in life such as food, water, shelter and clothes. With that being said, protecting and improving the environment, no matter how big or small our actions and gestures might be, is one of the sole responsibilities of humans as it provides our physiological needs in life. Without the environment, we are not able to live our lives.

Environmental issues are also issues of human rights. According to the United Nations Conference on Human Environment, human beings have the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and wellbeing. Without our protection and conservation of the environment, we would not be able to achieve those fundamental rights, especially the younger generations who will inherit the society. Hence, saving and protecting our planet is not just about our present selves but also about our future selves and for the new generations to come.

In addition, protecting and saving the environment is also about human health. With a clean and conducive planet, better health will be possible to humans as well as to animals and plants. We should not just help in curing the diseases but we should help address the environmental issues that made people sick and unhealthy.

