2019: What’s ahead for Centrality

Aaron McDonald
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2019

CEO Aaron McDonald shares what’s around the corner for Centrality. For the latest on Centrality’s ecosystem, be sure to follow Aaron on Twitter, LinkedIn and Medium.

Last year was massive for Centrality as we focused on building core components for our world-leading technology infrastructure, putting emphasis on making them work seamlessly together to ensure we delivered a sustainable and user-friendly ecosystem for applications. It would be wonderful to say that with the tech now in beta, the hard work is done. In fact, the stage is just set for the real work to begin. And with the tech largely built, our focus has moved to our users: making our technology available to you, supporting you, growing your business and finding more of you so our entire ecosystem grows together.

This year we plan to focus on three key milestones. And in achieving them expect our ecosystem to be not just humming, but disrupting by the end of 2019.

  1. Launch a world class blockchain infrastructure

CENNZnet is the bedrock of Centrality’s UNcorporated vision. It is a blockchain that hosts all the dApps in the Centrality ecosystem. Last year saw us partner with over 40 dApps to build and test and iterate to achieve the most scalable, user-friendly blockchain platform we could deliver.

I’m incredibly proud to announce that this March we will make CENNZnet available to the world. That means any developer, large or small, experienced of experimenting can join Centrality’s fast-growing, decentralised global network of services such as identity verification, finance and communication. Click here to find out more about what CENNZnet has to offer.

2. Provide world-class support for the development of UNcorporated services

We currently have about 400 people working on Centrality ecosystem projects, which is a good number to launch a new network with. This year we’re going to increase that into the thousands. If we want to do that it’s critical to make it easy for developers to know how to install, use and build on our software. So along with world-leading technology we’ll be rolling out a world-leading user experience.

Until now, only a select group of developers have had access to our developer portal. Launching it globally will be a massive milestone for 2019. Our node and wallet software is now user-friendly enough to move from private beta into public, so more developers can run Centrality nodes. That’s aided by Centrality’s block explorer which allows developers to set up an account and review progress such as what’s going on with the assets in the network and how balances are going up and down in real time. To make it easier to build on our ecosystem we’ll progressively release software developer kits to give developers the support and inside info they need to easily build dApps on the Centrality platform.

We’ll be augmenting our online support with some old-fashioned face-to-face time, working with developer lead ups and hackathons around the world to demonstrate to developers why they’ll benefit from building on Centrality.

3. Increase adoption via new partnerships

We know that everyone will be better off in a decentralised, UNcorporated world. This year we’re ready to show everyday consumers what that looks like. During 2018, Centrality finalised six significant strategic partnerships with some of the world’s most exciting companies; Iomob, CoverUS, Tr8ce, Lightning Lab, Catalize and Chain Logic. This is significant as it sees our ecosystem support exciting developments to the way people will live in the near future. From smart cities to small business accelerators, Centrality’s ecosystem will sit behind it all. Throughout the year we’ll be working hard to build up our network even more and extend the reach of our applications even further.

Okay, so there is a bit of tech thrown in there, but it’s not our focus this year. A simple, seamless user experience for both developer and end users is the killer app that we know will see thousands of people globally going UNcorporated in 2019.

For more information keep an eye out for the presentation I delivered at Japan Blockchain Conference which goes into a bit more detail on many of these developments and releases. And as always, stay tuned to our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Medium channels and join our Telegram community to be the first to hear about our launches, releases and developer events.

And if you’d like the Centrality team to visit your city or town, get in touch with us here and we’ll see if we can make it happen.

For more latest on Centrality’s ecosystem, be sure to follow Aaron on Twitter, LinkedIn and Medium.



Aaron McDonald

Co-founder and CEO of blockchain venture studio Centrality